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43 af 86 (50%) præstationer opnået:
Personlige præstationer


You completed the Prologue.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 6:43

Stolen Star

You completed Chapter 1.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 13:15

Trade Empire

You completed Chapter 2.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 18:56

Commorragh Survivors

You completed Chapter 3.
Låst op: 26. jan. kl. 9:34

Expanse Calamity

You completed Chapter 4.
Låst op: 27. jan. kl. 19:42

Grand Finale

You finished the game.
Låst op: 28. jan. kl. 11:10

Too Fast to Die

You dodged 500 enemy attacks with your party members.
Låst op: 26. jan. kl. 7:42

Doom Trader

You performed 500 critical hits with your party members.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 16:27

Fear Not Obliteration

You killed an enemy with 100 damage dealt by one attack.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 12:57


You killed 5 enemies with one attack.
Låst op: 15. feb. kl. 6:17

The Rise

You gained a second-tier archetype.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 14:08


You gained a third-tier archetype.
Låst op: 26. jan. kl. 9:32

Rookie Skipper

You won your first void combat.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 13:21

Void Wolf

You won 10 void combats.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 15:42

Perfect Timing

You restarted the shields on your flagship and received no damage to the hull while doing so.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 14:59

The Dynasty Restored

You reclaimed all the colonies of the von Valancius dynasty.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 14:38


You completed a colony project of the highest tier.
Låst op: 26. jan. kl. 15:08

Master of Trade

You completed 20 contracts.
Låst op: 9. feb. kl. 12:26

Light of the Astronomican

You charted a new path through the warp from one system to another.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 14:44

No Stone Unturned

You visited all the systems in the Koronus Expanse.
Låst op: 28. jan. kl. 7:50

Don't Touch This

Playing on Daring difficulty or above, you did not let the Chaos Spawn consume any cultists at the end of the Prologue.
Låst op: 29. jan. kl. 5:11

Cleаning Out the Tzeentch

You killed the Daemon of Tzeentch in the sewers under the Upperway.
Låst op: 5. feb. kl. 8:20

Curiosity Is Not a Vice

You visited half of the optional locations.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 16:01

Those Who Are About to Die Salute You

You let the Khymerae tear apart all the gladiators in the first battle in the Commorragh arena.
Låst op: 13. feb. kl. 5:46

Fully Prepared

You used stimms to remove all debuffs from the Rogue Trader before meeting Malice.
Låst op: 13. feb. kl. 5:05

Jungle Heat

You resolved the crisis on Janus.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 20:26

Iron Judgement

You decided the fate of Kiava Gamma.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 9:02

No Place Like Home

You secured Dargonus.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 18:12

Work of the Holy Ordos

You handed over Idira, Yrliet, and Marazhai to the Inquisition.
Låst op: 14. feb. kl. 7:13

A Spark

You started a romance.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 8:13


You discovered the truth about Theodora's death.
Låst op: 13. feb. kl. 6:12

Returning the Boots

You returned the boots in Chapter 3.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 21:38

The Possessed Ship

You discovered the truth about Nomos.
Låst op: 27. jan. kl. 4:59

Death Has Whispered Your Name

You defeated the vision of the Undying One.
Låst op: 26. jan. kl. 16:31

This Is Fine

You defeated the ship's confessor without letting the Rogue Trader suffer any damage.
Låst op: 9. feb. kl. 13:55

Death Waltz

You killed 3 enemies in one turn using the Death Waltz ability.
Låst op: 24. jan. kl. 8:13

Stay Away From My Psykers!

You saved all Astropaths during the telepathic ritual.
Låst op: 9. feb. kl. 9:56

Best Pilots in the Sector

You destroyed 4 ships using attack crafts.
Låst op: 9. feb. kl. 12:13

Tactician on a Galactic Scale

You made effective use of every special zone in void battles at least once.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 12:02

To Become the Flagship's Blood

You became a spinner of the Bloodspun Web.
Låst op: 29. jan. kl. 8:21

Mind Your Head

You were less than precise with heavy machinery.
Låst op: 5. feb. kl. 5:11

Slumdog Overlord

You decided the fate of the freight line of your voidship.
Låst op: 25. jan. kl. 14:20

Well-Deserved Rest

You took a bath with every available companion.
Låst op: 15. feb. kl. 8:11

The Emperor's Servant

You became a Votary (Dogmatic) and completed the game on Daring difficulty or above.

Merciful Soul

You became a Votary (Iconoclast) and completed the game on Daring difficulty or above.

Chaos Incarnate

You became a Votary (Heretical) and completed the game on Daring difficulty or above.

Overcome and Overpower

You completed the game on Daring difficulty or above.

Purge the Unclean

You destroyed at least one ship of every enemy fleet (pirates, Chaos, Asuryani, Drukhari, Necrons).

Precise Defence

You destroyed 30 torpedoes.

The Dynasty Prospers

You completed the highest-tier colony project on each of your colonies.

Uncover the Ice

You melted the ice planet.

Greatest Exploration

You scanned all available worlds.

Aviation Saviour

Playing on Daring difficulty or above, you did not let any shuttles be destroyed at the end of Chapter 1.

Don't Stop the Exploration

You visited all optional locations.

Adventurous Archaeologist

You solved all the puzzles at the unidentified ruins.

Silver-Tongued Diplomat

You prevented 7 combats through dialogue.

Preserve the Architecture

You killed a defiler without destroying any of the 4 plasma batteries strengthening it.


You learned the Necron language.

A Flame

You found your true love.

Unexpected Company

You recruited a secret companion.

How Did It All End?

You raised your own abomination.

Amends to the Dead

You wore the Halo Device.

Deepest Conviction

You completed the game with any Conviction: Zealot on Daring difficulty or above.

Void Shadows

You dispelled the shadows in the void.

Malum Se Ipsum Devorat

You forced the Magus to kill himself with his own attack.

Trolley Problem

You saved Captain Klein on the freight line.

It Itches!

You caught a suspicious rash on the freight line and did not cure it by the end of the game.

At Home Among the Poor

You successfully mingled with people of much lower rank.

You Were Warned

You performed the telepathic ritual with Idira as your assistant.

This Task Is for the Lord Captain Only

You were self-sufficient when dealing with the blood bath mystery.

"There Is Only War..."

You completed the game in Grim Darkness mode.

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