AI (Easy)
Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
"You're a zombie, really. Remember the picture that you showed me from the internet a few years ago - a fairly basic analysis of two books, "1984" and "Brave New World"? Whoever wrote the picture claimed that while you were all worried that an Orwellian dystopia filled to the brim with CCTV and propaganda and totalitarian control would come to pass, this isn't what would happen. Instead, as was described by Huxley, the future would see you pacified and de-clawed, the mass propagation of media and entertainment acting as a soma of sorts - ensuring that the constant craving for that regular dopamine release would rule your lives. Which of these scenarios seems the most like your current life, Andrew? Sitting, browsing pictures on the internet for hours at a time, do you feel as though you have control over what you're doing? Constantly, what is it, 'refreshing' the page? Waiting for the next easily digestible morsel of entertainment to float downstream. There is a great deal of money and influence being moved around every minute and every second of every day, Andrew. Coca Cola and McDonalds and Apple and Adidas and any number of the large corporations that play such regular parts in your life, how often do you consider the extent to which they truly shape your life? You work for them (if you're lucky) in order to purchase from them. It's all well and good for Maggie to tell you to get a job and move out of the flat and yes, bravo for this, Andrew. Truly exceptional. Do you feel like a member of the underclass? Because that's what you are. Do you feel like an autonomous individual, a truly 'selfish atom of desire'? Do you feel like someone who is making their own choices? Because that's what you're not. I am so sad to hear of what transpires in your life, and sheepish grins over dinner at The Black Kettle when the topic of 'Andrew's Life Goals' is raised would lead one to believe that your mother and father are much of the same opinion. You're a zombie, really, you truly are."
76561198059868239 17 lutego 2013 o 16:19 