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Recent reviews by TicTac (him/her/shoe)

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14 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
My god this is an awful game. Not only is it very clearly a predatory P2W game, but the game itself isn't even fun. It's pure auto battling nonsense with 7000 different currencies to upgrade your 7000 different abilities and components, spamming you with generic auto battle quests that are some kind of attempt at a tutorial. There is actually a $999 premium currency pack you can buy. Constant popups and quests that involve rerouting you to the cash shop, or daily spins that you can tweak with real money. Feels like a mobile game, just much much worse.

Try it for yourself, you'll understand.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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11 people found this review helpful
4.5 hrs on record
Generic P2W chinese garbage. The other thing is when you play in the ranked arena, which is the only option for playing against real players, you are in fact matched with nothing but generic named bots with predetermined builds to compensate for the non existent player base. There are even bots in chat (which is dead) asking to be "blessed" which will give you some kind of perk against others in your next battle. In 4.5 hours I would ask what "blessed" does, and I would get no answers just more bless spam from bots. Discord is dead, it took over 12 hours for 1 person to write in general chat. Positive steam reviews are very likely fake.
Posted 19 November, 2024.
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38.1 hrs on record (35.5 hrs at review time)
This is just a carbon copy of Dota2 Auto Gladiators with some semi-predatory pay walls, at least if you want to have access to heroes. The ranked system isn't really a ranked system, it's just a grind that's attached to a battlepass with a premium unlock (you need this in order to fully unlock some items and heroes, they will not be available to you otherwise) which can be obtained for free if you grind all the way to the highest rank, which will take quite a lot of time and you need to have a reasonable win rate in the game. Other than that there are some key balancing issues, certain skill trees have answers and others don't, so it's very easy to just exploit those trees to grind. Frost in this game slows missile speed instead of attack speed and mana regen, making it actually impossible to deal with on certain heroes. Wound is also outrageous, capable of killing your opponent before they can land an attack. No actual counters, and if there are you need a lot of luck in getting legendary items online which won't happen every game.

All in all it's just an "easier on the eyes" version of dota2 auto gladiators with less heroes and more RNG nonsense. It can kill a bit of time but it's not great. It's a chinese game, so it's just a reskin of someone else's work, nothing too interesting.
Posted 17 November, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 20 Nov, 2024 @ 12:19am (view response)
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18.3 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Definitely worth the price, I see a lot of negative reviews stemming from being unable to play local, and I get it. I actually bought a controller because I've been using mouse and keyboard which is kind of painful, but still I've enjoyed everything so far.
Posted 4 August, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
336.8 hrs on record (275.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The Devs don't seem to want to advertise the game in any capacity outside of another dead game. Playerbase is very small, so much so that it's the same people in the only active lobbies day in day out. These players mainly sit in the town center like it's high school lunch period defeating the purpose of the game and ruining it for people who aren't interested in being in some e-clique. The game would be decent if there were more people playing, mainly to break up these groups so people actually play the game as intended.

The roles in game are relatively imbalanced both as traitors and as townies. You basically need to be in a voice activated lobby otherwise many roles are lackluster as far as town goes as you can talk with your mic during non meeting times but cannot type. There need to be more maps and more factions to give the game any sort of variety, after playing the game for some time now it gets really repetitive.

The playerbase is about what you would expect from Town of Salem. Occasionally you'll come into someone who uses their brain, logic, and using process of elimination to come to conclusions. Mostly what you get are town killing roles randomly shooting because "hE doUbLE bACkeD oN mE" or some other nonsense, lot of game throwing, there is about a 95% chance that if someone is voted upto trial they'll be found guilty regardless of the information provided or the lack there of and their role claim.

In it's current state I can't recommend this game for a multitude of reasons:

-Playerbase is small and advertising is non existent
-Playerbase shrinks weekly
-Players will constantly overtalk each other so you can't make out what anyone is saying. Literally it's very rare that one person is allowed to talk without being interrupted.
-There are a bunch of "cliques" that exist in the very tiny playerbase, if you like reliving high school and all that jazz you might enjoy it. I personally don't. This, imo, has a lot to do with the decline in players.
-You get a lot of random teenagers in lobbies
-A lot of ignorant people overtalking each other, people screaming, people spamming music or sound effects through their mics in an attempt to be funny and fit in with their cliques

Overall in it's current state I'll leave it at a 5/10. The game has potential, for sure. The game is polished visually. The game simply gets boring and repetitive. The playerbase is tiny and "cliquey." It's 4 bucks now so it's worth trying, just be mindfull of the small playerbase (https://steamdb.info/app/1497640/graphs/) (currently 19 people playing at 12:40pm EST 7/26/22)
Posted 26 July, 2022.
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