[RH] Ivan Dolvich
Greg   Ukraine
I defected to USA with good friend Marko Ramius in 1984 from the Mother Country, aboard the Red October. Now i am Mercinary for hire. Defected from the Mother Country ( Ukraine ). Ever since the break up of the U.S.S.R ive been a Mercenary for Hire in the U.S.A

Ivan Dolvich is looking for Carl Weathers, perhaps you heard of him. Carl and I are brothers, born to Russian Scientist Vladamir and Svetlana Dolvich. We were recruited (forced) by the KGB at the age of 10. I trained as Hitman for the KGB and Carl trained as a Spy and requested that his skin be dyed black. Carl defected to the U.S.A in 1976 and became a Professional Boxer under the name of Apollo Creed and ♥♥♥♥♥ his death in the title rematch to hide from the KGB who had been looking for him because he had now become a Double Agent. Carl also had stolen plans from the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant to give to the C.I.A. in America.

The Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986 was no accident my Comrades. Carl was the main facilitator in that disaster which took our Mom and Dad and undermined the Russian KGB, Government and Economy. I, Ivan Dolvich have come to avenge my Family's death, the Mother Country and destroy the Double Agent you now know as Carl Weathers.
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[RH] Ivan Dolvich márc. 15., 12:20 
Look at JA3. We can play co op
[RH]Carl Weathers febr. 26., 14:03 
i looked at buying Jagged Alliance 2 and playing but it looks like it doesn't work correctly on modern PCs
[RH]Carl Weathers febr. 26., 14:02 
russian machine break you
[RH] Ivan Dolvich 2022. nov. 17., 7:33 
Russian machine never breaks
[RH]Carl Weathers 2016. jan. 31., 21:15 
Need more bullets!