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1.7 Hours played
The Detail's first episode - Where the Dead Lie - strikes an interesting, if not always perfect, blend between great visual novel elements, replete with comic book stylings and a terrific sense of style, and a slightly more ho-hum game. As a fan of the modern story-driven adventure game revolution (i.e., The Walking Dead, The Blackwell series, and Yesterday), I wound up liking Where the Dead Lie and hope it grows into the game it has the potential to become.

The first episode focuses around the intertwined stories of a weary detective investigating the suspicious murder of a prominent criminal in the middle of a gangland and that of a reformed criminal just trying to keep his nose clean for his wife and his daughter. These aren't exactly new archetypes, but they're written well and there's lots of room for the player to play them as good, bad, or somewhere in between.

Throughout the game, the player is presented with several choices for dialogue or action, all of which have repercussions in the ways the people around you react. My personal favorite was the necessity of playing a cop willing to bend the rules to gain access to a gang member's house. My boneheaded moves had some real negative effects, ones that left me queasy with the results.

While this episode is mostly about laying the groundwork for the plot and characters, these moral choices lead to some excellent taut moments and a brutal showdown at the end of the episode. If the game's creators can keep up this kind of intense action and dialogue with a pervasive sense of my actions having some real effects, I'll be absolutely delighted. That said, some way to replay specific scenes when the player has finished with the episode to see the various outcomes without having to replay the whole game would be terrific.

When it comes to the moments when you actually have direct control of the characters, the game unfortunately loses some traction. For example, when the player come to the crime scene of the gangland hit, the playerdo very little actual detective work, and are instead presented with very clear cut-and-dried conversation choices. There's very little done here to actually make you feel like you're doing detective work. This initial episode feels a little too guided. While I'm not looking to solve puzzles or combine inventory items ala the "bad old days" of adventure gaming, some further degree of interaction would have been nice. I want to feel like I'm doing the detective work, not having the game's characters do the detective work for me.

The game has a great sense of art style, and the music is terrific. I'm hugely fond of the environments, which practically made me feel the grit and the grime of this terrifically crafted little universe. The walking animations felt stiff, something I hope is addressed in future episodes. Perhaps most head-scratching of all the game's problems is the complete lack of sound effects. Aside from some rain, there are none. It creates an odd little disconnect from the game. Not having speech is fine - it works well with the comic book stylings - but some sound effects would draw me even further into the game's great setup and characters.

As it stands, while there's definitely room for improvement, The Detail looks to be a phenomenal entry into the growing world of interactive visual novels. I'm really looking forward to seeing where the plot - and this team of developers - goes from here.
VladmirLR 1 Apr, 2023 @ 5:21am 
Hi. You finish Tick Tock A Tales for Two? I'm looking for a patner. I never play the game, and my timezone is GMT-3. I haven't mic btw
Dog 25 Oct, 2016 @ 3:01pm 
I'd just like to reply to your comment on my GTA V review.

You stated you don't believe everything is there. I can understand why you'd think that given the video was edited but the only things that were changed about the call was when he stated my private information or there was a long pause of silence because I wanted the video to be straight to the point and not be 15 minutes long. However we are all entitled to our opinions and if you believe that I am hiding information I'll let that be.
>::() 10 Sep, 2016 @ 1:31pm 
(Ultimate Chicken Horse)
>::() 7 Sep, 2016 @ 6:07pm 
Darn, I was going to get it...
Shaymoo 15 Mar, 2016 @ 2:00pm 
(Apperently, it wont let me add!)
Came to claim the Ultimate Chicken Horse copy you had, if you still have it? I'm sorry if this seems annoying! >-<;
Pan 25 Jun, 2015 @ 10:28pm 
Just pointing it out. It is unacceptable, I bought it too, but at least Rocksteady cares enough to jump on the issue.