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Nylige anmeldelser av Lua

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53.9 timer totalt (47.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Do you like exploring places and finding out things? Then this is the game for you. Don't read more about it, don't look up videos or guides, just play and let your curiosity lead you.
Publisert 10. august.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.0 timer totalt
Fairly short game, but it is very cute! A lot of the jumps are challenging, but since you can save anywhere, anytime, you can finetune them. Just be sure to hit "Load" and not "Save" as you're falling.
While it is short, it does have a nice variety of mechanics that alter how and where you can jump, so there's a decent bit of variety, plus the stuff makes it looks really cool :D
Publisert 22. februar.
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6.8 timer totalt
It's cute!!
I wouldn't call it The Best Game Ever, but it's cute and fun and really, what more do you want from a game? It is, at least, enough for me to Enjoy it, and Enjoy is what my main goal is.
You're a dragon, and you go to save your girlfriend! I LOVE the artstyle, the story is a whimsical take on an old classic "Go save the Damsel in Distress", and the gameplay is pretty easy to grasp.
One big minus for me was that you can't change keys, which might be fine if you have a QWERTY keyboard, but if you, like me, have QWERTZ and stuff is automatically set to Z, like the claw attack, that can be a bit of an issue. Not a big one in this game since you don't need to claw attack that often, but still. (Unless I just couldn't find the key remapping part. In which case, never mind.)
Publisert 22. november 2023.
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3.1 timer totalt
Short & Sweet! (and sometimes scary, as it happens when you try to get smooches from eldritch beings)
It's very fun, and while being scary enough to, well, scare someone, it's still doable for someone who's a big coward (like me), very nice balance :D
Characters are fun and nicely distinct from one another, and endings are fun to collect and see :3
Publisert 21. februar 2023.
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1.5 timer totalt
Very good game, it's super fun, the visuals are cool, and the music is great :D
Also nice anti-frustration features, if you die you just go right back and only lose a few seconds at most, and if you die in one area a lot, you're given the option to skip the section (Now I'm stubborn and refused, but still nice to know that there's no danger of really getting stuck somewhere)
Publisert 7. januar 2023.
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62.4 timer totalt (54.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I bought this game shortly after its release (It was discounted a bit, I think about 10% or so?). I had already watched the anime, so I knew a few things about the characters beforehand. I love how all of them are more than what you see at first glance, there's always another layer hidden underneath what you see immediately.

There's Shin, your kinda tsundere childhood friend, who manages to figure out you don't have your memories immediately. He's been into you for so long, and depsite acting a bit aloof at times, he cares deeply and will fight to make you fall in love with him again.

Ikki, the flirty guy who seems to change girlfriends more often than he does his clothes. But it wasn't him who started it - They broke up with him. So he decided if that's all he gets, he'll just have fun, despite still hoping for actual love.

Kent, a guy who studies math and seems almost emotionless. He's trying, he's just so incredibly bad with people. He even researches how to act with your girlfriend, trying to make you happy.

Toma, your other childhood friend who's been almost like your older brother (Which he even calls himself in other routes). OH GREAT NOW THAT DARN YANDERE DRUGGED YOU AND PUT YOU IN A CAGE! [s]He honestly scared the hell out of me, sorry Toma fans[/s].

And after finishing all others, you get access to Ukyo's route. Yep, that guy who seemed rather deranged and, depending on your play style, may have killed you before. Talking about him would take up WAY too much space, so I won't do so here.

Every boy has several endings. One good, one normal and several bad, depending on your relationship with him (Although some choices get you immediate Bad Ends), so you have more than enough reason to play the game again and again, trying out the other choices. Since you can save at any time, there's nothing stopping you from especially trying out the ones you immediately know are bad.

I've gotten 100% in this game, all endings, all CGs, all achievements... I wish it was longer. I heard there existed sequels, so maybe there's a chance those get released via Steam as well.
Publisert 27. desember 2016.
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