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Reseñas recientes de BlazeDraicx

Mostrando 1-4 de 4 aportaciones
Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
73.3 h registradas (5.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Well, what can I say? We don't really have a bunch of Monster Hunter like games for PC (I could be wrong of course), and this is technically 2 games for one price. Love the combat and the different variations of Aragami (the monsters). The bullet editor is also great! If ya got some money and some time to waste, get it.
Publicada el 24 de noviembre de 2016.
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2 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
205.1 h registradas (13.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is great! At day i'm like "Want to have a nice flight, zombie?" and at night i'm like "I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry! leave me alone!" Oh that horror when it becomes night! But, I have a great time smashing zombie skulls at day!
Publicada el 29 de enero de 2015.
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A 5 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
0.8 h registradas
I think of this Visual Novel as a very interesting one. I haven't played a VN with this kind of concept before, and it seems like it might be plenty of story in this game. I'll rate it up, and probably buy it :D
Publicada el 2 de enero de 2015.
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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
2 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
14.5 h registradas (7.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is GREAT!! One of the best co-op games that i've played!! i totally recommend this game!! Wanna play something that gives you goose bumps while playing with friends? Then this is the game for you!
Publicada el 13 de enero de 2014.
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Mostrando 1-4 de 4 aportaciones