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Análises recentes de PearificPear

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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1.8 horas registradas
All I knew about this game going in was that it could help you when you're feeling stuck - in a creative rut.

I hadn't known about its existence for longer that 5 minutes when I bought it. Read nothing, watched nothing. Just bought it and played it. Sat down with a cup of tea, not having a clue what to expect.

I am now sitting at my desk with teary eyes. I finished playing it just a few minutes ago, and a weird mix of melancholy and peace has washed over me. I feel.. that everything will be okay.

It is the most powerful feeling I have EVER had while playing a game. I believe we all will experience the game in different ways. We are after all individuals with differing experiences. With that said, play it. It will be a disservice to yourself if you do not.
Publicada em 1 de dezembro de 2023.
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