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The game doesn't recognize the nVidia GPU and I'm honestly not going to mess up the silky smooth performance of my other 200+ games just to get this one to crash and lag less...yes less..not stop entirely, just less.

For what little I played it, the controls are meh at best and sadly it crashed so much that I couldn't get into the story enough to want to play it farther. Also, the bloom....omg, everytime you went near ANY window (or natural light source), prepare for your screen to turn into an overly saturated attempt at a nature photo. (No way to turn it off or adjust it btw)

Pity, it had potential, but just fell flat with instabilities and mediocre controls for keyboard and mouse. I imagine playing with a controller would be more entertaining.
Publicada em 27 de abril de 2021.
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6.8 horas registradas (6.5 horas no momento da análise)
To start off, this is NOT a game...it's an experience.

There are no monsters to fight, no health or stamina to maintain and no guns to shoot (No pew pew).
What there is here....is a story to tell (about love, death and betrayal), a journey to go on (through so many different environments and landscapes) and numerous discoveries to be made (Like did you know wombats have square poops? It's not in the game, but didja know it?).

This experience is beautiful, not only graphically, but also in its storytelling fashion. The music (I'm not normally one to play a game and leave the music on in ANY fashion, but this time I did and I do NOT regret it) only adds to the experience and gameplay. It truly is a wonderful game and I highly recommend it. I finished this game in one sitting and it took about 6 hours. That's with me enjoying the landscape and doing a casual browsing for collectibles (SHROOOOOMS). The gameplay is not difficult, you come across 'puzzles' of sorts, that mainly are, 'How do I get through this area and what animal do I need to possess to do it?" Yes, you get to possess animals, from the humble Wombat (lego poop machine...) to the mighty elephant and so many more in between. Each animal has its own perks and abilities and are quite fun to control.

Beautiful storytelling
Great stylized graphics
Amazing ambience in both environment and music

Controls can get a little clunky in tight spaces
There are a few places where one can get stuck and have to restart from a checkpoint to proceed (Literally stuck in wolf form with no other animals to possess to get out of the situation, eg on a cliff in one of the mesa sets)
Some areas, the wolf can 'die' from a 5 foot slide or fall and in other areas, the wolf can easily drop 20 feet and be fine.

Overall, this game is worth a playthrough or two for the experience alone. Being that it is rather short if you burn through just the story portion and don't explore alot, you may want to wait for it to go on sale. If you're looking for a great story with alot of exploration possibility (MOAR SHROOOMs) and the ability to possess and control wild animals, grab this game, on sale or not, this is the game for you!
Publicada em 27 de março de 2021.
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6.2 horas registradas
This is an incredible game with an incredible premise along with an incredible story.

You and one other player either locally or online can play the part of either Leo or Vincent, a pair that start out as a imprisoned convicts and end up leading the players on a very immersive story that may have you rooting for one side or the other by the end of it.

The game is an impressive concept of split screen co op play, even online, it can be a little disorienting at first, but you would be surprised how fast you get used to it and actually come to rely on your partner's screen to help you figure your way through numerous situations.

The story is very well paced and very immersive. A fascinating story that has so many turns and twists, that it is surprising when you remember that it all started out in a prison. The story also appears to be set in the 50s or 60s. Each NPC seems to truly have a personality and life of its own, which only makes the story all the more immersive.

The graphics are phenomenal in this game, as well.

The biggest problem my gaming partner and I experienced were the instabilities with the EA server connections. Generally we would lose connection to the game or one another during the cinematic scenes. It was a bit frustrating, especially after doing a sneaking scenario or a gun battle and having to do it all over again after the cinematic causes a timeout to the EA servers.

The controls during certain scenarios (rafting down the river, certain gun fights or escaping enemies on a motorcycle) can be a bit clunky and cause the occasional bit of frustration.

For the most part, unless you want to try different chat options and explore more items or areas, the game is worthy of one, possibly two playthroughs due to a limitations in the storytelling aspect. There are currently only two endings to the game.


This game is indeed worth the money, but being that it is limited in endings and scenario outcomes, it may be better to wait until it is on sale. My partner and I completed it in 6 hours and that was a one session playthrough (minus the disconnects due to the EA servers and their communication errors). The one session playthrough was also due to the fact that the story was so good, it was very hard to find a place or urge to stop for the night!

I highly recommend this game, it is very entertaining, very immersive and a great experience of a game.
Publicada em 6 de março de 2021. Última edição em 6 de março de 2021.
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1.9 horas registradas (0.8 horas no momento da análise)
Managed to customize a character, finish customizing, game crashes. No biggie, try to join again, game crash, rinse and repeat several times along with checking drivers and other such fixes listed in the forums.

All fail, requested refund.

I guess I got the enjoy the best part of the game, being able to customize a character to every intimate detail... Not what I paid to do. (Virtual boobies and genitalia do nothing for this gal...thanks...)
Publicada em 28 de fevereiro de 2021.
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10.2 horas registradas (7.4 horas no momento da análise)
If you are looking for an entertaining and different styled game, this is the one.

There are so many different types of adventures under the guise of one main one. The jokes are enjoyable, the humor is good natured and the style is multi faceted. Not to mention the music! There is a very catchy song near the middle of the game that is very well done and performed!

There are also secrets which are quite fun to find and amusing to witness.

This developer deserves your love, he went through alot to make this game. He along with his crew deserve so much love for this game.

Highly recommend, it is a very enjoyable set of adventures disguised as a single adventure!
Publicada em 25 de dezembro de 2020.
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103.3 horas registradas (26.0 horas no momento da análise)
Just a warning....do not play this game if you have an addictive personality....or don't have an addictive personality...you'll walk away with one.

This is a game that has a ridiculous amount of options, enough to be enjoyable for any style of player. Casual, hard core or a new player! Whatever your play style, you will find this game enjoyable.

The animations are charming, the description of the characters is imaginative and usually amusing along with the game itself having almost limitless replayability.

If you like creating ridiculous automated devices or just playing a space colony builder, you will enjoy this game.
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2020.
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I haven't had House Flipper for very long but already have found the base game to be very relaxing and cathartic.

The environments are interesting and enjoyable so naturally j wanted to expand my HF enjoyment even more and this DLC delivers!

There is still the calm, catharsis that comes with cleaning and decluttering, but now it involves plants and the outdoors!

Unlike other reviews posted, so far I haven't had issues with FPS loss or hang times during certain tool uses. The mower is indeed a bit clunky and yes, you will want to do cleanup with your grass trimmer since that is so much faster to do. You will also want to upgrade that finding tall grass on the map skill as soon as possible!

Beyond that, the game and this DLC are quite relaxing and enjoyable. You can leave areas without completing the job in order to return to them at a later time, perhaps with more skills available.

If you're looking for a calming, relaxing game of cleaning up, repairing and decorating, this family of games is the set for you! Please, enjoy!
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2020.
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31.6 horas registradas (11.2 horas no momento da análise)
Best response when you're the Imposter and kill in the middle of a group doing a task.

"Ooops, wrong button."

Publicada em 29 de setembro de 2020.
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8 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
0.6 horas registradas
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Sadly I cannot recommend this game in its current state.

I was unable to connect to any online games, the game would just end up in a Connecting.... loop. Yes, I did try all the possible fixes mentioned in the discussions with no success. I also reached out to the developer in the discussions forums and received no help there either.

Had to get the game refunded. I do hope it gets fixed, soon.
Publicada em 10 de fevereiro de 2020.
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678.4 horas registradas (140.6 horas no momento da análise)
You've all read the hype and reviews or you've played this game on console. So, I will get right to the point.

Short Form:

I cannot stress this enough, read the requirements to run this game. This is a PC eating beast and it will NOT be fun for you in any way shape or form if your PC or connection cannot meet or beat the requirements listed. It seems alot of the negative reviews are related to either not meeting PC or Internet connection minimum. I'm sure not all of them, but the majority.

Long form:
This game is amazing, both console and on PC. The world has so much detail, so much life it's often very hard to stay focused on just the main story since there is so much to see and do. The graphics are breathtaking, the environments are incredible with their sharpness and detail. The missions are fun, the storyline is immersive and the characters are interesting.

The PC controls are actually easy to learn when transferring from the console game. The game itself, at least offline, is stable with minor glitches here and there.

I happen to be one of the many that was never able to take advantage of online play with the console and this version had finally allowed me to join that ever growing online world. I have not been disappointed, I love online play! Each server can be stable for hours or you may find one that fails after a few minutes. It is currently a crap shoot. So far, in my experience, I find more stable servers than unstable. Are they all perfect? No. There are still bugs and glitches to work out. The game is new to PC, the servers are new, everything is new. I remember being told the console online play was absolutely miserable to start as well. PC online play isn't miserable in my opinion, but you may need patience to find a good stable server at times. Let's also not forget that online play is FREE. NO SUB. I can have patience for Rockstar to fix those glitches since I'm not paying a monthly sub for the ability to go online and play then not be able to...

Bootyful, rich and detailed environments with oodles to do!
Not completely stable on all servers but still a ton of fun with friends or even alone with all the missions and roles to do. Not to mention FREE to play online.

Publicada em 15 de janeiro de 2020.
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