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3 people found this review helpful
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83.8 hrs on record (66.3 hrs at review time)
This game only has one major issue and that is that it was made back when developers were still under the illusion that players actually enjoy escort missions.
Posted 8 September.
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6.6 hrs on record
I cried. Several times.
Posted 24 April, 2023.
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9 people found this review helpful
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4.4 hrs on record
The best thing I can say about this game is that it gave me nostalgic memories of far superior titles like Trails of Cold Steel or Tales of Berseria. And that was only because every minute of gameplay made me wish I was playing those games instead.

Combat - The combat becomes repetitive very quickly and extremely grindy. Leveling isn't too difficult however because most fights are over so quickly that the combat system doesn't have time to leave an impression on me.
As far as I could tell, there's no way to increase the difficulty beyond normal and since I usually play JRPGs for the story, and thus often avoid harder difficulties until I've cleared a game on lower difficulties first, the fact that I wish I could start on very hard should say something about how unfulfilling it feels. Maybe it gets harder as I progress, but after 4 hours of grinding through an unbearably amateurish story, there's absolutely nothing that motivates me to keep playing.

Music - No comment. I can't remember any of the scores. Whenever I try, I just hear the battle OSTs from Final Fantasy games, which I can only interpret as an automatic defense-mechanism in my brain.

Story - This is the sort of thing I would write in my fanfictions when I was 15. The characters are one dimensional and uninteresting. The protagonist is written in such a manner that we're clearly meant to sympathise with how hard his life has been, but most of it comes through internal monologues where he exposits vaguely about how dangerous he is and how he'd much rather go back to his torture cell. There was also something about not wanting to break a promise he made, but that gets resolved just as quickly as it's brought up. Get used to that by the way. The game constantly brings up 3 minute visual novel conversations that present a problem get resolved before you have time to think about what the problem is.

As an example, you follow an innkeeper to a market to shop for groceries. Suddenly, there's a cry of alarm. A band of hungry knights have chosen her inn to hold a massive celebration and there's no way they'll be able to feed all of them. But there's no need to worry because it turns out the innkeeper accidentally bought more food than she actually needed for the day, so they'll easily be able to feed all of them. Problem solved.

Your traveling companions are no better. Your waifus of choice immediately fall heads over heels in love with you, but have problems expressing how they feel, leading to the dialogue feeling like a chore to sit through with unfinished dialogues and an abundance of elipses. I get that it's supposed to make them look shy and nervous, but it doesn't feel compelling because there's literally nothing compelling about the main character. The conversations are also set up in such a manner that you barely ever see them talking to the main character, but instead directly to the screen which only makes the main character feel even less compelling than he already does. He is so boring that the girls would rather talk to you instead.

And the plot can literally be summarized as bad guys doing bad guy things and the good guys doing good guy things. The ruler of the nation is perfect in every way. Everything is wonderful for people living in good guys land because good guy king says good guy things and resolve issues of state so quickly that they end up feeling trivial. No need to worry about expenses or the fact that you're in the middle of a war with an enemy that has literal dragons on their side, the kingdom can afford it because good guy king always says good guy things. The writer really wants you to understand how compassionate and perfect he is, because politics and resource management is easy when your king is the good guy.

The quality of the writing is literally on the same level as the fanfictions I used to write when I was 15 years old. The ones I'm trying to forget and will never allow to see the light of day. How someone was paid to write this is beyond me. If you're planning to buy this game because the story looks interesting, stay far away. If you're looking at this because you've already played other JRPGs to the point that they no longer feel interesting, I promise you'll still feel like you've wasted less time going back to those games.
Posted 30 January, 2019. Last edited 4 January, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
178.4 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Personally, I don't think this game is as good as Stick of Truth. It's difficult to think of any specific reason why that is though because I still had a lot of fun and everything felt appropriate to the South Park universe. I think it boils down to lack of replayability. There's no real reason to try to play the game twice with a different class setup, because there's barely any noteworthy variety in the classes to begin with. Once you've played the game once, you've essentially done everything there is to do. If you have neither and can only afford one, get Stick of Truth instead.
Posted 1 November, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
This is by far the best Choice of Games adventure I have ever had the pleasure of reading. There's obviously some personal preference in that, so other people can have perfectly valid reasons for not liking it, but to me it was a truly enjoyable experience. It has some cons, primarily that the stat system can be confusing, something that is usually a dealbreaker to me, but here I never felt like I was being punished late in the story for a choice I made at the beginning. The highest praise I can give this story is that it felt like I was going on an adventure as I read it, something not all CoG adventures manage to accomplish.
Posted 24 June, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
In all honesty, this episode feels lacking. I just didn't feel like it added anything of importance to the story that I didn't already learn in Episode 1. In fact I often felt that some parts were explained with more depth and reflection in that game than actually seeing them here. Anyway, the game is free, so nothing is lost from downloading it, but personally I feel nothing was gained either and that's what determines my score.
Posted 21 February, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record
I wanted to like this game, because I've played a fair number of text based games I enjoy from this company, but the stat system got too frustrating and quite honestly just take me out of the immersion. There's simply no clarity to what each action will lead to and at times make me feel like I am being punished for the choices I make. Face all my opponents singlehandedly and take them out? Does nothing for my close combat stats. Responding to an event with a shred of humility gives me a huge penalty to my warrior abilities. Okay? I guess the warrior stat is affected by more than just combat then. That's actually pretty creative.

Few scenes later, make the smart decisions and plan ahead for an attack, rally my warriors and lead the charge. Somehow decreases my warrior abilities. Why? Because I had to charge off on my own apparently. The fact that I asked one of my battlesworn friends to assist me somehow made me worse of a fighter. There's no consistency to what actions affect which stats in which way. And the thing is that I don't have a problem with ability decreases in these games because they usually mean that another ability will get an increase. Which is the case here too for 3/6 of them. On the others, you get an increase or a decrease and no increasing one does not mean increasing the other, at least not consistently.

With the cons out of the way, I suppose it's only fair I move onto the pros.

In truth, the stat system has me extremely frustrated and the main reason for that is because it takes away the immersion and enjoyment of a story I actually enjoyed. I might have rolled my eyes on a few scenes, but ultimately I found the concept intriguing. It's a rendition that tries to appeal to chronological accuracy of the saxon invasion of Briton while at the same time keeping some of the mythology and mystery that make the Arthurian legends so fascinating.

At times you must rely on the advanced medicinal knowledge of scholars trained in Rome while at other times you must rely on the native druids and their knowledge of the land. At times you must approach a mystery from a rational perspective, while at others that which seems like superstition is actually the better option. I really enjoy that, especially because most games (text-based or high budget) I've come across just do one or the other. Embarrass the silly priests with the wonders of science or silence the unbelievers with displays of magic. This game doesn't go for either direction and plays on the setting that both could have value. As I mentioned earlier, there are some moments where I rolled my eyes, mostly due to events that were no doubt meant to be shocking feeling predictable and clichéd, but I enjoyed the writing overall. I liked the pacing and the characters and I could immerse myself in their internal struggles. But the stat system just feels broken and prevents me from completing the game.
Posted 13 January, 2017. Last edited 13 January, 2017.
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6 people found this review helpful
2.2 hrs on record
This is the story about a pair of shiny breasts and their adventures with other shiny breasts and sometimes there are cameos by shiny thighs.

What can I say? I was bored and heard it had comedic value if nothing else. Unfortunately, it seems to be a sense of humour I don't share. Personally, I have nothing against nudity or fanservice for that matter, but in this case it sort of falls into a category of its own where there is so much of it that there's nothing exciting about it. I haven't got the uncensored patch, but I honestly don't see how it could add anything of value.

Worst of all though is probably the characters, who are so flat and forgettable that I can't be bothered to care when they're supposed to have an emotional scene that leads to character development. They're not characters with big breasts as much as they're big breasts with people attached to them. The only good thing I can say about this game is that the artist did a good job with the colours and I liked the soundtrack.

Is this a good game or a bad game? I don't know. It doesn't satisfy any of my preferences, so in that regard it's an unfulfilling experience to me. It would probably be a good idea to check out other reviews too, positive as well as negative before making a decision. A lot of people obviously don't share my issues with the game, and so I imagine they're satisfied with their purchase. This is more of warning for people who suspect they might be bothered by the same things that bothered me.

Simply put, if you're not bothered by skimpy impractical outfits or nudity, but you feel that too much of it has the opposite effect on you than what the artist intended and if you're willing to forgive a predictable story on the condition that the humour is good, then I'd advise you to stay away from this one.
Posted 19 October, 2016. Last edited 14 March, 2017.
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7.2 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
The best thing I can say about this game without trying to delve into details and ADD induced derailings is that it is a waste of time.

In fact, it is the perfect timewaster for when I'm bored and just need something to do at my own pace. The game can get repetitive, as the only things to do is basically mine asteroids, sell resources or kill pirates. If this is something that easily bothers you, it might be better to spend your money on something else.

Otherwise, this is one of the few space sims I've actually enjoyed, and I've spent far more hours on the browser version prior to its steam release.

It's a waste of time for those times when I need nothing more and nothing less.
Posted 16 January, 2016.
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13 people found this review helpful
23.0 hrs on record (22.8 hrs at review time)
While this game certainly does have its good moments, and sometimes even a little intense, and I poured several hours into it, there were certain things that in the end made me regret this purchase. One of them being that the party you assemble is ultimately pointless because every single boss fight is single player. By which I mean that every serious boss fight picks one of the members from your team to fight alone which completely ruins the point in leveling your entire party. Another being the companion interaction. The dialogue is cheesy and predictable and as the game tries to create a magic vs science conflict, this fails hard as the arguments from both sides quickly become tedious and you find yourself not caring for either one. At all. It was a fun game, but after I got to the last boss, I felt like I had wasted my time and money.
Posted 9 June, 2014.
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