Jamil Abid   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
General information.
- I'm a Artist and tend to do a lot of drawing as a hobby.
- I like anime and manga.
- Surprisingly I'm a very organised person when it comes to work, but when not I just mess around.

Games I play.
- Terraria: Now and again but not too much, since it's VERY time consuming.
- Magicka: Mostly to mess around with mates and have a laugh
- Saints Row The Third: By far my most favourite game on steam just to have a laugh and mess around.

Games I've played before on Steam.
- Deus Ex Human revolution: Really great game, with a amazing story behind it.
- Amnesia the Dark Decent: Okay I'm not even touching that demo again, so there is no chance I'm buying the full game, it is just way too much.
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