過去 2 週間: 29.9 時間 / 総プレイ時間:2,232.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,586.4時間)
投稿日: 2023年11月28日 9時56分

Old guns, which feel nice - in handling, function and sound.

Sound in itself is extraordinarily well implemented - everything you do has it's own distinctive sound, and everything you do does make a sound (reloading, switching weapons, sneaking) - no wondering, if what you just did was hearable by your enemies ... if they paid attention, they did. It's just about how loud exactly you have been and if it's still worth beeing that bit more sneaky or if it would be better to go full speed.

Paid DLCs are purely cosmetic and have no ingame impact - and while it is true, that some legendary hunters are less visible than others, you still have a selection of also well hideable hunters than can be earned by playing during events, recruited normally in the recruitment tab (looking at you, tier 3 ghillie suit - or just any generally dark clothed character) or buyable by the premium currency "bloodbonds", which can be earned by playing or completing weekly challenges.

To all the people crying to "bring back (old) bb economy": while it is true, that the possibility to earn bloodbonds by simply playing has been taken away, I wouldn't say, that we are earning that much less than before. It's true, with the weekly challenges there's a cap on how much bb you can earn per week ... or so it would seem, as you quite regularly get them daily by Mr. Chary and can still find satchets and registers ingame. So yeah, theoretically there's a cap, but I don't really have the feeling of earning less per week - quite the opposite, I seem to earn more per hour (until reaching that cap ofc).

What I like most about the game might be the possibility to choose a loadout of the big assortment of period accurate and sometimes a bit fantastical, but still believable weapons - and beeing able to have a viable loadout in many ways.
While there are some weapons that are considered "meta", you still have good chances of winning an engagement if you just play well and to the strenghts of your loadout. And while a full leveled hunter with an expensive loadout does have advantages, killing that guy with the cheapest gun or just an axe feels quite fine and dandy.
Also, meme loadouts are a thing. That can work. Sadists and masochists alike will enjoy.

There are some bugs, that might get fixed ... but appear a few patches later. Some bugs exist for a very long time. But that just comes with constant development.
Regular events and additions in content. Slow, but steadily. Also existing weapons do get variations, that can be quite pleasing.
While in some regions seems to be a major problem with cheaters, at least in EU I would not say, that there are too many. The ban of using reshade helped a lot with having weird feelings about getting shot from weird distances or through fog and scrubs. Most of the time, it's really just people who play well, and especially in the beginning of playing the game many (me included) did simply not have a proper understanding of the game to be able to tell what is possible and what not. There have only been a handfull of people, which I would accuse of cheating, and only 3 or 4 in my playtime which were blatantly doing so.

The official discord does help a lot to find people to play with, as it took me some time to convince rl friends to play Hunt. But I do have to say: in general the community is quite nice and welcoming, and I met many, which I do now consider friends.

In summary: very gud gaem. Get it. For you, your friends and your cat.
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