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게시 일시: 2013년 9월 1일 오전 11시 53분
업데이트됨: 2023년 7월 14일 오후 9시 44분

Edit: This is an "on-topic" Steam review both covering my feelings on the recent happenings in the game and a brief overview of my history with Skullgirls.

Skullgirls may be a game worth playing, but it is no longer a game worth supporting.

I don't really play SG much anymore, but tried it again after the new DLC content cycle began. Over the last decade I've followed this game and even backed it during it's crowdfunding campaign. I can say I got my money's worth. It's a decent game and I may play it once or twice again in the future.

Even so my relationship with the game began to sour in the last year or two., but that's more the overall flow of the game. However other factors didn't make this easier. First it was including a background NPC that almost NO ONE wanted and still loathes, but that's one thing on one stage easily avoided.
What cannot be avoided is the massive amount of changes that happened with the current build.
This new team does not care about the artistic vision of old no matter how many devs carried over. Whoever is in charge does not care about the integrity of the game or its fans. I will say that this current build is A LOT tamer on censorship than I expected, but that's not a good thing.

I don't like the wild and non-existent nature of SG's neutral game, but I always come back every so often for the memories and the characters. I may come back again several times, but don't buy this game. Censorship, especially for reasons as poor as this, is bad and should never be encouraged or supported.

Edit as of 12/07/23: The developers or publishers and now actively suppressing ALL recent negative reviews by flagging them as "off-topic". Regardless of where you stand on the recent in game changes this should NOT be seen as acceptable by anyone.
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Goth Vixen Mistake 2023년 8월 2일 오전 11시 45분 
This insane dev/publisher is still on a righteous crusade to delete any and all criticism of their poor choices. I will be surprised if this review stays up as the purge continues.
Goth Vixen Mistake 2023년 6월 27일 오전 11시 21분 
Yeah, it's beyond excessive.
Sixtyfivekills 2023년 6월 27일 오전 4시 34분 
I was confused for a moment because I remember hearing how Cerebela was censored way back, but this new batch is completely mental. Would be almost funny if it didn't actually happen.