I make fanart and mods for Invisible Inc and sometimes other games. You can find more of my art on my IG: https://www.instagram.com/forestkatze/

I don't accept friend requests from people unless I know them from somewhere.

Upcoming Invisible Inc. mods:
- More Missions
- Red from Transistor (archived loadout)
- Manual Hacking: item edition
- Secret crossover agent mod

To get involved in mod creation, suggest ideas, banters, or learn how to mod, get in touch with us on the Invisible Inc. Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/aQrXEse
shit5229 16 May @ 11:26am 
But in conclusion: lazy fix, it saves time :steambored::steambored::steambored:
shit5229 16 May @ 11:25am 
Hey here is the reply of your comment 'Hm, l guess you have a Chinese font installed? Weird that it breaks the spacing on the English strings.'. I'm not sure if you subscribed that reply so I comment here.

1) Klei even not expected a Chinese patch appears in vanilla game, let alone Chinese patch of mods. Word Wrap is not avaliable, and many words choked, we have to enter '\n' to tab and test everything manually in order to keep the font display accurately.

2) Chinese grammar is quite different from English, wrap (text) after ',' doesn't influence reading. We use many ',' as it adapts to our language habit. For example, 'I'm fine, thank you, and you?' as a reply of 'How are you?' is very close to our language habit, but you may think it *very* pretentious.

3)Chinese is one of the most refined languages, only 60% length compare to English on average. 'Quite lengthy sentences' is short in Chinese.
吃橙子的橘猫 7 Jan @ 9:06pm 
Thanks ^ ^
Hekateras 7 Jan @ 8:46am 
Thank you! Those things exist already. Please look at Situation Reports ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3076904885 ) and More Missions ( https://github.com/Mobbstar/InvisibleInc-MoreMissions , not on Steam Workshop yet) .
吃橙子的橘猫 7 Jan @ 3:54am 
Love your mods:) Btw, have you ever considered to make an incognita-upgrade mod? I think it would be great if you have 7 or more programs to use in endless mode (or higher PWR cap). I've got some ideas but I don't know how to make it with my limited programming.
thelastlemming 27 Aug, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
Yeah a lot of factors in play here. I went through the refresh process and the system sent me back about 5 turns; was able to reach the end only for the identical glitch to rear its head. As some what of a hard head, I am thinking to allow the level to regenerate (save integrity).

Guess I should look at the discord since this is some uncharted territory for me, lol.