Lil Penpusher
Nico   Germany
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Edit: Info box has been cut down to size for now. Might edit it and rewrite it at some point.

Or not.
I dunno.
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Equestria at War (EaW) is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. The scenario focuses on global confrontation be
12,972 ratings
Created by - MrScroup and Equestria At War Team
Recent Activity
1,782 hrs on record
last played on 27 Dec
171 hrs on record
last played on 25 Dec
37 hrs on record
last played on 22 Dec
noö 24 Dec, 2023 @ 10:48am 
Nicoooo, merry xmas my friend :8bitheart: May santa bring you your favourite panzer
hkkmoori 28 Jul, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
get real
kratos13092 28 Jul, 2023 @ 1:39pm 
Te amo <3
Olefante 26 Mar, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
Hey Kripp this is Juan Castro from Mexico. Me Englando is ferry bad but i just wantet to zay zat i crossed the river in a rubber boot to Murica to become a pro player! One day i saw ur stream and i see how handsome and good u are. Dat day i decided i wanna become like u! Zo i killed my wife sold her, bought a rubber boat and now im here! Zank u for inspiring me! One day i become good player and pimp like u! or else rapist like unle Benni No coparoni peperoni pastarino plz!
Prlixu 28 Dec, 2022 @ 5:46pm 
Ty glupia kurwo, do gazu
Strohkopf 28 Dec, 2022 @ 9:51am 
einfach mich entfernt ich glaub ich spinne