Hey guys, I'm here to help you out, if you need help with something, I will try to help. If something is bothering you, you can talk to me about it if you want to.
Lucasperalta 29 sierpnia 2016 o 17:48 
Prob the most epic energy sword that twirls. Nah it's the fierce diety sword
Lucasperalta 29 sierpnia 2016 o 17:46 
bruh what even XD ??
job#_stow01101110 29 sierpnia 2016 o 17:45 
This whole time I thought your profile was link holding a energy sword.
Lucasperalta 16 maja 2015 o 19:01 
wtf ._.
doubledowndoc 8 maja 2015 o 20:41 
We want to thank you all for your great use of YouPorn. Over 120 of your sex videos online!

We point out however, that uploading videos containing sex with animals, children and chainsaws is prohibited under our terms and conditions strictly.
In the videos you uploaded "Anal with the whale", "Waiting on the kindergarten" and "Forestry work with amusement" You have again violated these rules. We are not willing to accept your lack of decency and morality and more to share with you that your access violation when a new profile "Hairy Vagina XXL" will be permanently deleted.
Lucasperalta 3 maja 2014 o 12:04 