Coppercentage 20 giu 2024, ore 22:07 
Que paso?
maikee Bandito dagli scambi 10 dic 2022, ore 9:13 
Grayscale 18 ott 2022, ore 8:06 
Michuuu michuu 11 lug 2022, ore 7:26 
gaaaaaa aaaaaaa hola hermano
angelcatwithahat 21 dic 2021, ore 14:44 
can i frend you you seam like a cool person
Coppercentage 2 dic 2021, ore 16:54 
No pretendes como no escuchas tu escuchas
Almond 3 nov 2021, ore 16:41 
dejare un mensaje aqui para que te recuerdes (y tambien como eres viejo haha). Si no estoy en linea en steam o discord y quieres chatear o chotear para birriar.


Los mensajes llegara en mi celular y lo recibere de igual manera, desde alli te respondera si estoy ocupada o no estoy en casa.
Coppercentage 2 ott 2021, ore 8:41 
Bye te creo haras lo correcto.
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 17 giu 2021, ore 19:32 
Coppercentage 30 mag 2021, ore 15:57 
y u no trade no more?
Beazedi 10 mag 2021, ore 0:56 
hello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 4 mag 2021, ore 17:06 
ahhhh sorry to everybody that put a comment. I feel like a ♥♥♥♥ for not adding any of you. Truth is I'm not trading anymore
Feloril 28 dic 2020, ore 12:58 
+rep, add me
Crummy 2 nov 2020, ore 6:26 
added to discuss a couple of your tf2 items
76561199027450832 21 ott 2020, ore 16:17 
add me
Coppercentage 26 apr 2020, ore 16:58 
Al Go Rit Mo
ErikGG 24 apr 2020, ore 20:59 
Hello. Added for tf2.
Almond 29 mar 2020, ore 11:35 
lol he won't be playing bl3 anytime soon, now that I read that comment xD
Coppercentage 6 mar 2020, ore 11:52 
Algo Ritmo
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 9 dic 2019, ore 8:16 
But if the Eye Patch Wooden Leg Edition comes first I may play that vertion before steam
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 9 dic 2019, ore 8:13 
Very late replay. I goin to play it on steam
2bdiogenes 23 nov 2019, ore 12:27 
Long time no chat, buddy. I wanted to ask if you're going to play Borderlands 3 when it comes to Steam? Or have you already played it from EGS? :bandit: Hope we get a chance to raid some new bosses next year. Ttyl.
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 3 nov 2019, ore 13:58 
3xc41ibur if you are reading this that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is a scamer and he is block and also you for being dumb and try to do that to me
2bdiogenes 11 giu 2019, ore 16:17 
Sorry about the connection drop. I think my internet flicked. You kept the guns right? I double-checked that my Gaige didn't get them accidentally.
2bdiogenes 10 giu 2019, ore 10:38 
The knowledge that there is new BL2 content and I don't yet have the time to play it is killed me
Coppercentage 26 apr 2019, ore 14:20 
meow meow
ruff ruff
mooo muuuu
2bdiogenes 11 nov 2018, ore 15:52 
If you haven't seen this already, I think you'll enjoy it (Skyrim anniversary vid)
Coppercentage 28 set 2018, ore 15:33 
Coppercentage 16 lug 2018, ore 9:07 
Oblviamente el pollo contribute a la codicia que mata la calidad de juegos.

Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 9 giu 2018, ore 9:57 
si lo tomo oh grande y poderozo trompeta
Coppercentage 9 giu 2018, ore 9:42 
Lo tomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coppercentage 19 nov 2017, ore 15:02 
That's what yah get for playing Runaway: A Road Adventure
2bdiogenes 19 nov 2017, ore 8:05 
Sorry to hear it dude. Keep us updated. Cya.
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 19 nov 2017, ore 8:01 
Hey guys my GPU die and that means I gonna quit using steam for a time
Coppercentage 4 ott 2017, ore 10:44 
Che estás vivo? Voy a visitar tu pais, vas a acogerme no?
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 23 lug 2017, ore 11:36 
2bdiogenes 23 lug 2017, ore 11:17 
Hey buddy. Do you have any interest in The Darkness II? I just realized I have a extra copy, so it's yours if you want it. Just let me know. -Diogenes (formerly 2nd Amend)
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 1 gen 2017, ore 0:25 
ButtinglesXD 1 gen 2017, ore 0:04 
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 28 dic 2016, ore 3:23 
Gracias amigo:D:
Coppercentage 27 dic 2016, ore 21:47 
Feliz Cumpleaños Pollo
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 4 nov 2016, ore 6:06 
Indeed :D::steamhappy::steammocking:
Raven 4 nov 2016, ore 6:04 
Hens is love, Hens is life. :calm_creep:
Almond 28 lug 2016, ore 15:21 
oi tiene que pobra warframe esta divertido :D
Almond 25 giu 2016, ore 12:18 
Hey I watched the video you sent me about 'So I installed some mods for Deus Ex... ' I loved it I lmao to that video xD. The game is really hard ;-; even though I started on the first level. I barely could get through, anyways I know I'll pass it.
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 3 giu 2016, ore 7:33 
Chupi ❤ 2 giu 2016, ore 13:17 
"Hey, Nick! I love you."
Almond 11 apr 2016, ore 7:31 
:steamhappy: =D
Man-eater Chicken (PANAMA) 11 apr 2016, ore 3:50 
Awesome super fun :D:
Almond 7 apr 2016, ore 20:37 
Pollo!!!! You have to see this video XD it's hilarious!