The Big Dipper   United States
Just got the DLC, playing as Charlemagne's brother Carloman
- Go to war with Charlemagne, imprison him
- 1 day later kill him and unite France
- Seduce Charlemagne's former wife
- Get way too happy at life and don't realise my manpower is way too low
- A month later there are 6 wars going on and i surrender all of them
- Lose 10 provinces to rebels and pagans
- Who cares I'm still a king
- Court physician uses an experimental treatment, turns me into a lunatic
- Thank him for giving me a free LSD ride for life
- Contract syphillis
- Go to court physician for treatment because he the best
- Somehow cuts my eye out
- I'm now one-eyed and severly injured
- Murder my court physician because he just halfed my chance at seeing that booty
- Dies one week later of Great Pox
11/10 would get an eyepatch and seduce my brother's wife again