Hex: Devour Cookies
Dear fellow gamer,

you opened my profile. So you are like me:
You have no hobbies.

But this is no problem and no pointless remark.
This is an invitation to embrace the sheer joy of having absolute nothing to do, but to stalk the Steam profiles of random idiots online.

Let us be bored idiots t o g e t h e r.
Quinneyo9 24 nov 2024, ore 21:38 
great profile description
wesker's left foot 23 nov 2024, ore 13:19 
+rep but not friendly:(
ApoLLyon 18 ott 2024, ore 23:49 
+ i love u
ApoLLyon 18 ott 2024, ore 23:49 
+rep they love cookies :D
emreg 3 ott 2024, ore 11:31 
thanks :)
Low_poly_loli 29 set 2024, ore 11:19 
+rep friendly but skilled lych player