a fiókon

Dr. R. B. Banner legutóbbi értékelései

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14 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
2 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
5,815.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (383.8 óra az értékeléskor)
I have tried to not complain I was finer with every choice they made for the game during development and i even just looked past the bugs in this game (which of are many and the patches didn't do much to help ) but come on still glitched as hell over a month after release sound issues chest not being where they are suppose shins never being returned when they re became locked etc etc oh not to mention do the 14 level hive for no reward every time ( 8 finished to be exact ) 12 times total the other four game crashed on level 13 so had to start over and well with the dwindling player base on pc it is getting very hard almost impossible to find a group that are willing to play properly ( eg. take there time let people find all the boxes on a map ) so no i would not recommend this game and i have put in almost 400 hours into it before coming to this . maybe if they ever actually fix the game i might change my opinion but as of now it feels like i got stuck buying a product that i waiting a year for and now half of it was shipped and the other half has no info if i will even get it as consoles seem to be priority to the devs and screw pc players . just not right

Update: As of Patch 2.4 the game has become more stable and some of the issues mentioned have been either fixed ir have proper work around built into the game, that being said there are still some issues that need to be addressed, but I am getting more hopeful to be able to recommend this game "soon (tm)"
Közzétéve: 2020. október 7. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. június 18.
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