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기록상 18.9시간
I got this game on sale and I put a genuine effort into tacking down its flaws so I could give it legitimate criticism. This game has one class, the starting class paladin has a primary mechanic around cycling/playing the last card in hand, many of the neutral cards (cards shared between runs) also run off this mechanic, none of them run off the mechanics of any other class. In this deckbuilder you're given the option of picking a class that sync's with the random cards you draft or 5 others that don't, one of which is achievement locked, which may not even unlock if you meet it's requirements. Progression of the roguelite element means adding deckbloat to your deck, which means cycling, only the paladin cycles, "this is a problem." The mage is incredibly powerful, but the ratio of mage to non-mage cards in your deck is always about 1/3, which means you dont feel like you're playing mage you're playing classless with a hint of mage. The mage can cheese extra mage cards into its deck during battles which makes the mage card ratio higher than any other class, excluding paladin because paladin can get paladin cards through neutral drops. This game is interesting, its engaging, but it's unfinished; "It's like you made one class wanted to release and in order to check corporate boxes tacked on 4 additional classes with interesting mechanics that were never explored, what's worse it feels like that as you play the game."
2021년 8월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 100.1시간 (평가 당시 56.3시간)
Galactic Civilizations III is everything I want from a turn based civ builder. It borrows everything a Sid meyers game does right, and it adds in a depth of customization and simplicity without dumbing the game down. The only flaws with the game is multiplayer Co-op games do not have a simultaneous turn option, making multiplayer turns take forever on the larger maps. Secondly the ship builder requires the use of the middle mouse button and it isn't rebindable; so with my cheap mouse whose MMB isn't registered by my OS the customization options I can use are limited.
2017년 2월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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