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投稿日: 2015年12月29日 3時45分

Joined as Soviet Union.
1936-7: Invaded Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania,Poland,Romania,Czechslovakia,Persia,Afghanistan,Turkey,Greece,Albania,Yugoslavia,Bulgaria.
1937: Rebuild & Purge innocent officers.
1938(early): Declare war on Nationalist China & Axis (Germany,Italy,Hungary,Austria,Japan)
1939(early): 400 000 dead russians later Germany on the verge of collapse, Italy is being pushed back from north and from yugoslavia. Nationalist China surrenders. Japanese (although first successful) begin being pushed back from far east russia.
1939(late):Germany surrend- hoi3game.exe has crashed.
My computer isnt the best and it does get laggy but this made me cry, still a fun and random game.
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