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Recente recensies door Reno

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70.7 uur in totaal
A lot of people say negative things about this game but if you're in for some generic and straightforward (for the most part) JRPG, definitely try this out. Characters follow anime stereotypes to a tee and it was a great enjoyment for me. While the story may not be the best epic out there, it has its moments which are extrapolated by the amazing soundtrack.

My biggest gripe in this would some bland dungeons but for the dungeons that aren't, they feel spectacular. The camera also has issues and the fusion system is a doozy. There's quite a lot of complexity if you want to get into it, but for the most part I ignored it and still got to the end and beyond. The battle system may get some getting used to, but you'll be rewarded if you understand how it works. If you can overlook some of its issues, you get a pretty bright JRPG with a fun crowd and some beautiful memories.
Geplaatst 8 juli 2018.
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