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thegreaternesto 16 Okt @ 11:30pm 
-rep oh boy what to say about this guy, first he misgenders me (mtf) then he goes on a long winded rant about israel not being a legitimate state (spoiler it is) then he proceeded to spend the whole time i was stuck playing with him repeating ''I'm in charge'' (he isnt) and telling anyone who spoke up to kill themselves.

genuinely an awful human being, body and soul.
General Griffin 30 Okt 2022 @ 5:09pm 
Upon closer examination, one can see how Bikini Bottom is an allegory for the destiny of Faustian Europe. Squidward clearly represents the Apollonian Aryan man, stern, cultured, full of the creative Hyperborean soul and solar aristocratic character, and yet there is a tragic aspect to his character, in that his spiritual and creative passions are given no place in the degenerate modernistic kosher bacchanale that is modern (((Krabs)))-run Bikini Bottom.
General Griffin 30 Okt 2022 @ 5:08pm 
Spongebob represents the Dionysian aspect of Aryan culture he is the unawakened gentile, who has succumbed to cultural marxist brainwashing. Always maintaining a cheerful, carefree demeanor, and yet fawning and servile before the semitic crustacean power structure. Patrick represents the introduction of the primitive negroidic blood into the formerly pure white ethnos. He is an utter buffoon and unproductive anti-social drain on society, and yet the good goy Spongebob has been conditioned to accept his friendship, unaware of how his own way of life is gradually succumbing to the cthonic, subterranean negroid elements. As I'm sure we're all well aware, Mr. Krabs represents the eternal merchant himself, as while not only is he a filthy money-grubber, it is shown in season 1 episode 12, that he is pushing race-mixing upon the racially unaware Spongebob by trying to set him up on a date with his ballbusting yenta whale daughter Pearl. Clearly, this show was ahead of its time.
perKi 19 Agu 2022 @ 10:37am 
Guys hello, my name is Yu Sak Kak, im 27 years old, i live in farmers village in China. Everyone in my village is silver elite, but me gold nove 2, so as you can see im pretty skilled player! I want to invite you join my csgo team to play in our local torment. There will be more than 500 teams from all nearby village, all games are best of 5. The grand priz is rice and goat.
E double D 13 Feb 2022 @ 2:01am 
E double D 13 Feb 2022 @ 2:00am