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Senaste recensioner av Ƀiʈƶ âɳȡ Ƥiȩƈǝś

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36.3 timmar totalt (16.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
game hard
Upplagd 21 november 2023.
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60 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.8 timmar totalt
This game isn't ready yet, it's a very sloppy game.
For example:
- Very floaty controls.. It feels like input lag
- Clipping.. a minor issue but it'll bug you when you see the clothing is all misaligned on your character. A matter of fact you'll see a lot of weird misalignment, just watch your character reload their gun.
- Cluttered UI: For whatever reason the developer thought putting two languages on screen at all time is the way to go
- Settings don't save

~There are some good things about this game though and I hope it improves in the future
The gun play can feel pretty engaging when you are against multiple people in close quarters. There seems to be a lot of customization for your character as well, which was surprising.
Upplagd 13 juni 2023.
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0.3 timmar totalt
Not even close to enough content here.
Upplagd 28 januari 2023.
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2.5 timmar totalt
The Good:
-Interesting settings
-Nice character and npc/monster design

The Bad:
-Broken settings, whatever you set will be reverted after you restart game.
-no separated volume slider (main, music, se, voices)
-no option to switch to controller. really weird for a game like this- you have to figure it out yourself
-even when game volume is set to off, some sounds still play oddly.
-no map or minimap, you'll wish you had one.
-music sounds kinda bad. I had volume low and thought it was an audio glitch in the background.
-no checkpoints
-you can get stuck and need to restart

I wish it was better and I see the developer is fixing things, but as I write this the game is not very good to play, just looks decent. With the good being outweighed by the bad, I would not recommend.
Upplagd 11 juni 2022.
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10.3 timmar totalt (7.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Want to know if this game is worth buying? Well, let me tell you little Jimmy.

The Combat!~

I would say the best part of the game is definetly the combat, and you will have to learn it fairly quick because they throw boss fights at you real quick.
Timing is key in this game. Parry, dodge and time your attacks to build up Xtasy to destroy bosses easily.

The Characters!~

You start as Aya (cowboy hat girl) and unlock two other playable characters, which is nice for replaying the game but not for mid playthrough because your characters level up by completing missions.
For example my Aya ended on level 50, my other characters were level 40, and level 1. The levels make quite a difference too.
Also, if you want to change your outfit you need to go to the practice mode to change them. IF you want to make your outfit more "revealing", you'll need to find a modder named moderchan. :)

The Story!~

The story is good if you like anime that is cringey.

So, if you're still reading this Jimmy, I'm just gonna tell your straight, only get this game if you like hack and slash games. Forget the story, forget the T&A, they really don't matter because you will be focused on not dying against all the enemies you will be fighting.
Upplagd 13 april 2022.
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0.6 timmar totalt
Slay the Spire wannabe which looks and sounds like a mobile game.
Upplagd 9 april 2022.
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16.6 timmar totalt (11.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I MADE IT. I beat it on hardcore! Games good, but the beginning was almost unbeatable, but stick with it till you start upgrading your guns and it'll get easier. Good luck, boys.
Upplagd 9 maj 2021.
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4.1 timmar totalt (2.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Tired of crappy, low effort hentai games?

.... Maybe the game gets better after 3 hrs...

~4 Hours in~

No, the game is ♥♥♥♥. Everything Subverse tries to be, it fails in. It's painfully average in almost everyway. I'll break it down for you.

~Combat sucks~
The combat is bare bones. It reminds me most of Banner Saga, but without any charm.
Enemies will come in waves. Which is fine in most games, but these enemies will just teleport on your team mates, and they have no "summoning sickness"(idk what to call it), so they can move before your team and straight out kill someone without you having anyway of reacting. Also, your team consists of 4 members, but you can only bring one "waifu" for whatever reason. The last 3 members are these creatures called Mantics, which are suppose to be manticores.
Lastly, your team members have special skills in battle that they can use after building up adrenaline (I think thats what they called it), and the skills are boring to watch. The "waifus" get a weird flash animation, but the mantics dont.

~Space Battles are okay~
Probably the best thing about the game is the space combat, but even that has some problems.
AI is stupid and will run into meteors like they have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brain. Thankfully their ships are immune to collision damage and can push them aside. Your ship can't though so be careful.
They come in waves.. and you'll be able to see the ships coming from below... it just looks stupid... Why are they coming from below? Why not from the edge of the maps?
BUT, there are good things about space battles. For example, whichever "waifu" you bring you'll get a special right-click.
Bring the doctor "waifu" and you get a laser.
Bring the red "waifu" and you get a shotgun blast.
And the animations aren't terrible in space combat, the projectiles look good.

~The "Waifus" suck~
There are currently 3 "waifus" to choose from.
You got robot "waifu".. that you can't even bring in combat... maybe they'll add that later?
You got doctor "waifu"... She brought the mantics, making ground combat even worse, so she can ♥♥♥♥ off.
and you got the red horned "waifu".. She's a pirate... I think, I started to skip dialog after a bit.
You can earn points to unlock sexy events with these "waifus" but some of them are copy paste... WHY? There's only 8-9 scenes so far. Maybe they'll add more later?

~Dialog + Story sucks~
If you like VN then you'll like the dialog style. I got tired of the dialog pretty quick though, maybe if I could make decisions I would care what was being said but no.
Oh and the protagonist looks like he has underwear on his face, maybe that was intentional though.
And the story is about a faction that hates a faction because they are different so they try to wipe them out....

All in all, this game is mediocre. Made by people that took pieces of other games and tried to mimic them and came up with ♥♥♥♥♥♥ soulless versions.

MAYBE, it'll get better after they add more...

For your convenience I'll list better games for you to try if you haven't already, that have creators that actually know what they are doing and understand what a game is and what is not.

Search for Illusion games or check out Project Helius game "Fallen Doll"

X-Com, Banner Saga, Dragon Age
Upplagd 26 mars 2021. Senast ändrad 29 mars 2021.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
31.1 timmar totalt
So you're wondering if this game is worth playing?

Well... do you like anime girl tiddies? Then this game might be for you.
But what if you want more than tiddies... like a good story, that engages you from start to finish? Then I recommend you look elsewhere. I eventually got so tired of the banter in the game that I just skipped though it all and looked up a walkthrough to figure out where to go. The game gives you the illusion of choice in certain events in the story, but ultimately doesn't matter, for if you choose the "wrong" choice you'll get a brief description of what happens and then you are transported back in time before you made the choice, forcing you to choose the "right" choice.
Is the game play fun and challenging?.. The game play is ooookay, turn based combat, but what I think the real challenge is playing this in a house full of people. Very challenging.

Game is a very average experience - 5/10
Upplagd 17 april 2020.
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21 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
20 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
39.6 timmar totalt (33.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Follow me down a rabbithole to madness.
Release all aspects of control.
Turn on some soothing tunes, while listening to your favorite ASMR.
Take a deep breath, relax, buckle up and pepper your angus.

This is Majesty, YOU will be our Majesty? LOVELY!
Look into the void, yes all those damned monsters creeping around.. yes that's your kingdom. Never use rogues they are cowards, okay? They will even betray you if an enemy kingdom places a bounty on your buildings! FUN!
Elves want to move into your kingdom? NEVER LET THEM! They bring in money absorbing buildings that evade taxes! THEY ARE ENEMY! Mage towers are life! Surround everything with Mage towers! They buffer attacks, and might kill something in turn. Healers are broken, they spam heals forever. You can actually get in deadlocks in this game! You will need to rely on spells if that ever happens, okay? Okay.
What else... Make sure to check what monsters are weak to. For example minotaurs are pushovers to magic.

but in all seriousness I tried to beat this madness... harder than all Dark Souls combined.

Please send help.

Rated 666/666~
Upplagd 28 juni 2017.
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