Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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46 von 47 (98 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

Tsunanori's Journey

Finish the game as Tsunanori.
Am 27. Apr. um 14:02 freigeschaltet

Ameya's Journey

Finish the game as Ameya.
Am 27. Apr. um 22:04 freigeschaltet

Siugnas's Journey

Finish the game as Siugnas.
Am 7. Mai um 3:12 freigeschaltet

Bonnie and Formina's Journey

Finish the game as Bonnie and Formina.
Am 3. Mai um 18:29 freigeschaltet

Diva No. 5's journey

Finish the game as Diva No. 5.
Am 2. Mai um 19:04 freigeschaltet

A New Ally

Have someone join your retinue for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:34 freigeschaltet

Where to Next?

Visit all places the world has to offer.
Am 1. Mai um 22:42 freigeschaltet

Miyako City Passport Stamp

Figure out Matsu's hobby.
Am 16. Mai um 6:50 freigeschaltet

Witchdom Pulchra Passport Stamp

Obtain the Calamity Shard.
Am 30. Apr. um 22:56 freigeschaltet

Yomi Passport Stamp

Save the Dismal King.
Am 17. Mai um 16:25 freigeschaltet

Mare Nostrum Passport Stamp

Acquire a sailboat.
Am 2. Mai um 1:37 freigeschaltet

Kosmos Passport Stamp

Restore peace to the Kosmos.
Am 29. Apr. um 2:19 freigeschaltet

Cinq Passport Stamp

Assist a single tribe to the bitter end.
Am 28. Apr. um 18:36 freigeschaltet

Cordycep Passport Stamp

Save Cordycep.
Am 28. Apr. um 22:51 freigeschaltet

Avalon Passport Stamp

Travel by tram, coach, and motorcar.
Am 28. Apr. um 23:07 freigeschaltet

Delta Base Passport Stamp

Unlock all routes on the bottom level.
Am 28. Apr. um 5:18 freigeschaltet

Kamala Passport Stamp

Make the Epuyke bloom.
Am 29. Apr. um 5:59 freigeschaltet

Grelon Passport Stamp

Meet Alexandre.
Am 27. Apr. um 4:37 freigeschaltet

Crowrealm Passport Stamp

Stop Pandora.
Am 28. Apr. um 17:27 freigeschaltet

Providence Passport Stamp

Save everyone's souls.
Am 1. Mai um 22:30 freigeschaltet

Vermiglio Passport Stamp

Purify all the triangle engines and beautify the world.
Am 28. Apr. um 17:27 freigeschaltet

Brighthome Passport Stamp

Seal the cleft overflowing with fiends.
Am 1. Mai um 7:21 freigeschaltet

Capitol City Passport Stamp

Discover Jessica's identity.
Am 16. Mai um 7:43 freigeschaltet

Great Tree Passport Stamp

Call the eagle five times.
Am 28. Apr. um 15:01 freigeschaltet

Junction Passport Stamp

Travel to ten worlds via the Junction.
Am 28. Apr. um 17:40 freigeschaltet

Witness to the Ultimate

Defeat the ultimate foe.
Am 2. Mai um 19:04 freigeschaltet

Thrill Seeker

Defeat agony incarnate.
Am 2. Mai um 18:49 freigeschaltet

From the Hip

Glimmer a tech for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:30 freigeschaltet

A Person of Many Hats

Change roles for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 22:42 freigeschaltet

Lifelong Learner

Learn a role for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:15 freigeschaltet

All for One

Perform a United Attack for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 0:40 freigeschaltet

Kick It into Overdrive

Activate overdrive for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:05 freigeschaltet

All Eyes on Me

Perform a showstopper for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 3:38 freigeschaltet

No Mountain Too High

Complete your first trial.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:55 freigeschaltet

Teacher Knows Best

Be tutored for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 1:39 freigeschaltet

Encyclopedia Monstrua

Best 100 types of foes.
Am 28. Apr. um 22:51 freigeschaltet

United We Stand

Perform 100 United Attacks.
Am 27. Apr. um 13:24 freigeschaltet

Overdrive Virtuoso

Activate overdrive 100 times.
Am 28. Apr. um 21:23 freigeschaltet

One Among Many

Raise one tech to max rank.
Am 29. Apr. um 6:12 freigeschaltet

Barter Master

Make 100 trades.
Am 30. Apr. um 12:37 freigeschaltet


Max out your Trial Rank.
Am 2. Mai um 21:28 freigeschaltet

The Pursuit of Perfection

Raise any attribute to 99.
Am 29. Apr. um 6:22 freigeschaltet

Tactics SaGa

Emerge victorious with all formations.
Am 17. Mai um 15:57 freigeschaltet


Acquire 100 different types of armaments.
Am 28. Apr. um 18:36 freigeschaltet

Triangular World

Do a ritgram puzzle for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 0:51 freigeschaltet

Triangular World Redux

Solve a designated placements ritgram puzzle for the first time.
Am 27. Apr. um 0:57 freigeschaltet

No Tech Left Behind

Use all glimmered techs.