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1 person found this review helpful
115.0 hrs on record (103.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Obligatory 'Hey Hey People' comment here, with a dash of I SWEAR I HAD SONGS OF SYX THIS WISHLISTED BEFORE THE SSETH VIDEO AND SALE!

That aside, and one sale purchase AND 100 hours+ later after playing Songs of Syx, I'd definitely give it my full approval and suggestions to folks! Something about the core element of getting people into your city, ensuring it has all its needs for its people, playing a particular style revolving around ALL the mechanics the game offers, and seeing if you fail or are successful sticks out to me and with how the game plays is executed PERFECTLY to me. The game never feels too difficult or too easy from what I played, it has a wonderful middle line that plays off those mechanics again that can make it either or, depending on factors YOU make or MOSTLY good unknown factors that can come into play! The fact this in depth fun as heck sim is also made by one person to is mindboggling to me in a good way, and I can only hope for his continued success and devotion to this game and other projects he had in mind! I could go on and on about the positives of this game, but there are a CRAP TON to me honestly, and I felt the elements above are the most important keys to take out of this game, aside from ones I'll list down below!

NegativeS? Yeah there are kinda a few I did want to point out! First and foremost, I'm not bothered by this AT ALL, but to some? Pixalated graphics are pixalated graphics on all end! As easy as it CAN be to read sometimes...I don't understand the 'happiness and loyalty' bars and why they go up and down so much. Is it a day by day thing? Do the 'rates' change every so often during the days? I don't MIND this but I just wish it was a little more clear how to fix and situate it, or a LITTLE, not a lot, less frequent. Last of note aside from random cliffnotes; the Tutorial, from what I played, is very bare bones and 'throws you into the game when you're barely ready', which i did not mind but SOME MIGHT!

Any praise or criticism I could level though, is but small gnats on a near perfectly solid great core of a game that frankly I havent reached END GAME MODE YET, and I cannot recommend it enough! On sale, og price, if you like these type of games? Get Songs of Syx, well worth it and worth supporting the maker of it!

Overall Rating: 10/10

Pros: In Depth but Fun City Building Mechanics
Feels perfectly even in terms of difficulty, with hints of 'its as hard as you make it' with certain factors
MADE. By. ONE. PERSON, which is incredible to me!
The Lowkey 'backstory' of the 'setting', peoples and stories is very solid and creative!
Randomly generated elements work really well.

Cons: Pizalated Graphics Might be a Turnoff
Happiness and Loyalty Mechanics feel a LITTLE screwy sometimes
Sub-par tutorial, very 'learn as you go' kind of pace!
As cool and good as they are, Mechanics CAN be a little overwhelming if you're not used to such things
...Stupid tree-cutting accidents, ugh.
Posted 31 May.
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13.2 hrs on record
Going on a DECADE old shooter, I quickly recalled why I loved Bioshock Infinite so much! The gameplay first and foremost, is crisp, evenly paced, has fun if not SOMEWHAT generic weapons and powers, but keeps you entertained and moving when you play it! The Story itself is good, not the greatest in the world, not the worse, but has some nice characters, character moments, and though is a LITTLE hard to follow here and there, overall a swell thing to experience! Difficulty is solid too, finding that nice little medium that isn't TOO easy on mid level difficulties, to TOO difficult on Higher level difficulties! My only complaints are the game is a BIT short for full price, like, LESS THAN 20 HOURS SHORT, and...the DLC 'chapters' and what have you are INCREDIBLY supbar from what I played. Other than that, the core of Bioshock Infinite is fun, and lends credence to the other two, making the series in my eyes, a solid 3 out of 3 hit!

Overall score: 9/10

Pros: Fun Gameplay
Good Story
Looks good even for a decade old game
Difficulty is very well placed
Good characters and character moments

DLC add ons is INCREDIBLY Mid
Some aspect of the stories are a Little confusing
Posted 1 May.
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4 people found this review helpful
10.7 hrs on record
SO! Just bought and played through Bioshock in the brief campaign it has AND, I was glad I re-bought it for Steam! It holds up to this day in terms of fun combat, neat themes, and a nice little story to boot. The playthrough reminded me why it was one of my favorite FPS' when it came out and I was fully satisfied I got this! In terms of negatives, ITS SUPER SHORT, barely took me over 10 hours to beat on HARD mode, and coupled with that is it's really NOT that difficult of a game and lastly, it does look 'dated' by modern standards but that didn't matter much to me!

9/10 overall

Pros: Really Fun Combat System
Great Thematically
Great Story
Easy to pick up and play when time is allowed

Cons: SUPER short!
Dated graphics
NOT a difficult game
Last 'boss' leaves much to be desired
Posted 22 April.
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153.4 hrs on record (118.3 hrs at review time)
Tabletop Sim is great for all your online board game needs! First and foremost; Mods make ANY board game you can think of playable on this, with things like add ons and expansions for said game to boot, the sheer amount of it all is TREMENDOUS and honestly the best thing about Tabletop Sim for me! The graphics are good too, and modelling details, even on the low end of things, are pretty fricken neat! As to downsides...there are a few! This game is stable MOST Of the time...but when it isn't? It isn't! If you dont got friends or anyone to play with its sort of a 'nothing' game and that's a little bit of a bummer! Overall though, an enjoyable experience if I do say so myself!

Overall Rating: 8/10

Relatively good graphics
Easy to pick up and play

Cons: SOMETIMES not the most stable game
Multiplayer Only game
Posted 25 March.
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18.9 hrs on record
Salt and Sanctuary is a REALLY fun game! If you've heard about it being 2-D Dark Souls, that is DEFINITELY a correct assessment, other than a few little differences like the Jump/Platform MEchanics, the way you increase stats, and ye olde 'Souls replaced with so and so'! The fighting mechanics are simple but feel WEIGHTED when you connect, at least melee wise and are just flat out fun in general! The graphics have a certain charm to them, and the general design and art is very good to me! My only complaints is it DOES feel like a very short game for a Souls-like game, even if you opt to try and find everything, some of the general enemies can feel a bit samey even when they are in different parts of the game and SOME hit boxes seem a tiny bit wonky!

Overall Score: 8.5/10-9/10


VERY Good Souls-Like
Great Fun Combat
The Skill Tree is Neat and Easy to assess
Graphics are charming, with backgrounds sometimes being beautiful


A little on the Short Side for a Soulsborne game
SOME hit boxes can be a bit wonky
Some of the normal enemies can be samey
Posted 24 March.
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6.2 hrs on record
It's o.k! I like the system of figuring things out in game and documenting them and the story is really neat, and the graphics honestly ADD to the game rather than detract. That being said finding out who certain people were REALLY was a bother sometime as I feel like it's a lot of guessing and placement, especially with some of the folks who were close to being the same. I did like the detective mechanic and the watch one to and honestly I would not mind seeing a game just as fleshed out and LONGER than the Obra Dinn come to market!
Posted 1 April, 2022.
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1,459.6 hrs on record (272.2 hrs at review time)
I've played a few Paradox games and I must say, this is a perfect starting game to get into their particular brand of Grand Strategy. Its slow paced, simple, yet keeps you pausing to plan things ahead. Sometimes they work, sometimes not, but its a fine difficult ride overall.
Posted 16 December, 2014.
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121.8 hrs on record (61.2 hrs at review time)
Played Crusader Kings 2? Good. Imagine that in this game, only in a wider scale and Twice as faster. No council stuff, no 'wait so and so years for casus Beli against same religion', and replace 'Dynastic Struggles' with Country Politics. That describes EU4 in all its glory, its long, its fun, its complicated yet NOT, and its fast paced. Choose your nation to your fitting, get a good army and let loose on the world!
Posted 16 December, 2014.
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