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Análises recentes de Big B0ss

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I haven't played too much, but what I've seen is really nice improvements.
I love slr so much because it reminds me of being 14 or so hanging around a car working on it. Now with the first person exploring I feel even more like a teenager just taking stuff off.
Publicada em 7 de agosto de 2023.
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14.6 horas registradas (6.7 horas no momento da análise)
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Here is my details of my second attempt of the first case (this is just the initial one created, but in the 2 times I played, it ended differently)
So I've just found a body, it's been shot a few times, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. I first decide to try and talk to the last person who was dialled before they died. I look up their name and address and head over there, as I'm walking in I was asking if people knew the victim, and i didn't think much of it, but the lady in the stairwell saw him at 1.30am, not long before they died... I get to the apartment, the person called Violet I'm seeking isn't there, and I get shot almost immediately and wound up in the hospital. I decide I'm gonna head in with violence. I go to the gun store to buy myself a rifle (you can only use them as a baton, but it was fun to pretend I went in pistol whipping them). While I was in the gun store, I noticed in the ledger that Violet recently purchased a gun similar of similar calibre to the murder weapon. I head back, kick down the door and arrest the guy inside, still no Violet, but I search everything, payslips, birth certificates, scan for fingerprints etc.
But as I was leaving, I notice a handwritten note with an unfamiliar name and address on it. I decide to check it out. I enter the new address and it's a crime scene. I go in to another dead body. I do another search, and discover the same fingerprints were at the first victims house and violets house, as well as here. I also discover a note from the first victim warning them. I go buy some handcuffs and return the violets house in the middle of the night now. I kick in the door and there they are, the same woman from the stairwell... Violet. I put them in cuffs and scan their fingerprints, to discover it's a perfect match to the others i found. I also now find a matching weapon in the kitchen, I arrest and report this case as complete.

I strongly recommend this game, and yes it isn't perfect, there are many quality of life improvements I hope to see get made. I haven't felt many of the same feelings since playing OG Deus Ex when I was a kid many years ago. I am very excited to see where this goes in future, hopefully with mod support and the like.
Publicada em 26 de abril de 2023.
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1.5 horas registradas
This game has great promise so I recommend it with a big BUT . There are a few things which hold it back a bit, like hitscan enemies, way too far out ADS, and nothing (which i have found) to spend your money on in the campaign. Overall I had a good time with this though I know it can be better.
Publicada em 10 de fevereiro de 2023.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
9.6 horas registradas (3.1 horas no momento da análise)
So far this has been a lot of fun, reminds me of an almost older generation battlefield, I almost get a sense of nostalgia in it. Deffs worth checking out
Publicada em 23 de janeiro de 2022.
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77.0 horas registradas (70.4 horas no momento da análise)
This game is truly phenomenal, it has such freedoms and interactions, that though there is no story, it unfolds in your imagination. Send my runner out on the relatively safe run into town to pick up everyone's food. get into town and decide to take the risk and run that bit further to see if i can get some nicer food, he's a fast runner. he gets halfway there then bam, knocked out. I then have to set up a rescue squad of my best fighters, they make the run in a small pack, arrive to him, fight the bandits then prepare to finish the food trip. Just as i set off, a group of ninjas attacked the base, and my best fighters are out in the field.
You will save scum, you will "lose", you will have the time of your life
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2021.
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12 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
0.0 horas registradas
You can see your legs... all the negative reviews are wrong!
Publicada em 18 de agosto de 2021.
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30.9 horas registradas (3.4 horas no momento da análise)
10/10 buy now
Publicada em 4 de julho de 2019.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
15.9 horas registradas (4.8 horas no momento da análise)
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If you ever thought Mount and Blade would be cool with guns, and in a modernised period, then this is the game for you. I was skeptical on buying this due to the mixed reviews, but I just sunk like 5 hours into in one sitting, without even realising. It is real hard once you get started, but you grasp it pretty quickly. Pro tip: do some jobs for people to earn some money and buy a rifle before you take anyone on at the start.
Publicada em 7 de maio de 2019.
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Um desenvolvedor respondeu em 12/mai./2019 às 23:45 (ver resposta)
2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3.8 horas registradas
This is one of those games where you feel like a genius for solving a puzzle in such a unique way, but then you realise there's only one way to solve all the puzzles anyway. 10/10
Publicada em 12 de abril de 2019.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
108.0 horas registradas (9.5 horas no momento da análise)
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This games about dying from blood loss and harvesting the organs of your enemies.
Publicada em 23 de maio de 2018.
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