Kagamine Rin (MinusK)
Wisconsin, United States
Hello there, allow me to introduce myself. I'm MinusK, or Minus if you'd prefer. I'm just a person who loves all kinds of video games, and having fun in general. If you'd like to know more, check out my custom info box below.
현재 오프라인
Steam won't let me have two info boxes, RIP my special tag T_T
About Me:
I see you've come down to the custom info box. So, where do I even start? I always find it hard to describe myself, but I'll try to sum it up:
- I see myself as a rather happy, sort-of upbeat person - most of the time. :nepnep:

- I love humor and jokes, so most of the time you shouldn't take me TOO seriously. :cheer:

- I'm kind of shy around people I don't know that well, so I may not start a lot of conversations... however, that doesn't mean I won't talk if you message me, provided I'm not busy with something. :SisterRom:

- Some days I'm friendly and talkative, others I'd rather keep to myself, and won't want to talk. Most of those days I won't be on Steam, but if I am on, please understand when I say I'm not in the mood to talk with you. :Nepgear:

- Feel free to call me MinusK, Minus, Joshua, or whatever my name currently is on Steam (I like to change my Steam name when the feeling hits me). :challenge:

- Here's a link to my Youtube account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgobdhmSCmW5NTZHeLFb3Cg

Some things I like:

That about covers that, so let's move on to some things I like:
- Video games - I love many, many video games. The list of games and series I like is extensive, but here's just a few: Touhou, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Mega Man, Ace Attorney, Pac-Man, Sonic, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Mario, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Castlevania, Soul Calibur, Mother (Earthbound), Kid Icarus, 100% Orange Juice, Super Smash Bros.

- Naturally, liking this many game series means many favorite characters, so I'll list some here: Cirno and Flandre (Touhou), Blanc and Noire (Neptunia), Freeze Man (Mega Man), Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney), Pac-Man and Inky (Pac-man), Tails (Sonic), Jigglypuff (Pokemon), Diddy and Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong), Rosalina and Luigi (Mario), Ty (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger), Meta Knight (Kirby), Lucina, Cordelia and Severa (Fire Emblem), Alucard, Soma, and Charlotte (Castlevania), Siegfried, Raphael and Amy (Soul Calibur), Ness (Mother/Earthbound), Viridi, Palutena, and Phosphora (Kid Icarus), Fernet, Ceoreparque and Krila (100% OJ)

- I haven't watched a lot of anime, but I do enjoy watching some from time to time. If you want to see what I've watched, you can go here: http://myanimelist.net/profile/minuskCFG

- I love Monty Python, they're a brilliant comedy group. If you haven't seen any of their work... watch it now. :EinAl:

- I listen to a lot of different music - mostly video game music, but a good amount of normal music as well. My genre range is pretty big, there are only a few things that I don't particularly like. My favorite band is Dragonforce, which I find to be very underrated. You should definitely give them a listen. :noire:

- This kind of falls under music, but I like Vocaloid and Utauloid. My favorites would have to be Rin Kagamine (Vocaloid), Neru Akita (Fan-made Vocaloid) and Teto Kasane (Utauloid).

- If I haven't made my opinion clear enough with my various tributes to Blanc on this page... Blanc is best CPU. :blanc:

Things you should know:

If you somehow made it through all that.... congrats. I probably should have put this at the top, but whatever - here's what my various statuses mean on Steam:

- Online - Usually I'll be receptive to messages, so feel free to start a conversation. :compa:

- Away - I'm not at my computer, but if you message me I'll try to get back to you when I return. :IF_VII:

- Busy - I'm most definitely busy with something if I put this on, so I'm not going to want to talk. :obvious:

- Looking to Play/Looking to Trade - I never use these... :ojseagull:

- In-Game - If I'm playing a game that requies a lot of concentration, I'm probably not going to talk to you. If it's something more laid back... I'll probably be willing to talk. :Csha_VII:

- Offline - Take a guess. :Ssha_VII:

So that's everything - or at least, everything I can think of right now. If I ever feel something is missing, I'll probably add it in. Until then... have a lovely day! :zblanc:
스크린샷 전시대
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
4 3
동영상 전시대
Nath in a nutshell - 100% Orange Juice
123 10 9
최근 활동
기록상 76시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 26일
기록상 728시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 25일
기록상 14시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 23일
Kagamine Rin (MinusK) 2024년 1월 1일 오후 8시 53분 
Thanks again, happy new year to you too!
Average New Yorker 2023년 12월 31일 오후 9시 22분 
Happy New Year from the city of NYC!
Kagamine Rin (MinusK) 2023년 1월 1일 오전 8시 59분 
Thanks~. :Bsha_VII:
Average New Yorker 2022년 12월 31일 오후 9시 02분 
Happy new year from NYC!
Average New Yorker 2021년 12월 31일 오후 9시 19분 
Happy New Year from NYC! :stars::MaterialGirl_expression3:
Mokotsu 2020년 5월 12일 오후 3시 31분 
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