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117.1 godz. łącznie
Let's go over the good first:
This game has a big focus on "discovery" in a sense. You unlock new weapons, armor, mods, and traits by exploring the world and killing certain bosses in specific ways. Some of these you unlock just by playing the game, and others are unlocked because of a certain play-style you have adopted for your character. As a whole, unlocking new stuff for your character feels rather rewarding.
The combat is very souls-like, but with guns. Almost all of the weapons feel good to use and there are only a few instances where I felt a gun or sword was underwhelming. There are also a variety of builds you can play with that all have some sort of supporting item. I myself focused on melee combat and tanking hits while my friend I played a lot with made more of a spellcaster. Even then we knew there were numerous other ways to build the characters if we so desired, and respec-ing your character's traits isn't actually that difficult.

But now for the bad/questionable:
The base game as 4 worlds (technically 5, but the labyrinth doesn't really count); Earth, Desert, Swamp, and Jungle. But one of them, the swamp, is actually optional. It feels strange to me 1/4 of the game doesn't need to be played to beat it.
When is comes to bosses, a lot of them follow a nearly identical formula: 1 boss you have to kill with a bunch of minions that harass you and arguably are worse than the boss. Does it make it harder? yes. But I'd rather they gave the boss more health or an expanded move set.
On the topic of bosses, some of them are basically immune to certain character builds. As I said early, I focused on melee. It's really hard to punch something if I'm not allowed to reach it because it's flying. This issue also effects summoner builds because their melee summons can't actually fight the enemy.
Then my final issue comes from the achievements. Most of them are pretty straight forward, like kill this boss or save this character. My problem comes with one of the last achievements: buy 40 armor skins. They way you get the currency to buy armor skins is by either killing bosses on higher difficulties or by playing the survival mode. Either way it is a very time-consuming process that doesn't really add to the experience. If anything it very quickly feels like a job to do. I would say half of my hours in this game were dedicated solely to this achievement.
Opublikowana: 28 marca.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
3.4 godz. łącznie
Music's neat
Gameplay is interesting
Story is meh
♥♥♥♥ this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game. It took me 3 hours to beat and I hated most of it. It's a "one-hit and you start the level over" type of game, which would be fine but the enemies don't respawn at the same points every time so what would have worked perfectly one run would be the stupidest thing to do the next on the exact same level. With that followed by the previous point, you can reach the last guy on a level, get shot, have to start the level over, and then proceed to beat you head against a proverbial wall because the way you just did your run was apparently 1-in-a-100 chance of it working. This very readily can lead to rage, and the only way I got through the game was my friend that got me the game pushing me to finish it.
Opublikowana: 20 grudnia 2023.
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