Ricky 20. Dez. 2020 um 4:12 
- There's a breathing technique.
- A way to breathe so that you won't exhaust yourself, no matter how much you move.
- Breathe?
- Right.
- If you can master the correct way to breathe, you'll able to dance forever, too.
- The cold won't bother you, either.
Ricky 6. Aug. 2019 um 14:13 
The Final Getsuga Tensho... is for me to become... Getsuga itself.
Using this technique means... I lose all my soul reaper powers.
That's why... It's the final one.
Ricky 23. März 2019 um 4:28 
"Seus corpos podem voltar a cinzas, mas seus espíritos ainda ouvem meu chamado!

Esses homens são meus lendários heróis - meus fiel seguidores! Eles são meus verdadeiros amigos - quebrando as regras do espaço e do tempo para lutar mais uma vez ao meu lado.

Eles são meu tesouro dentro de tesouros; Eles são meu direito de governar! Eles compõem o mais poderoso Nobel Phantasm de Iskandar - Ionian Hetairoi !!"
Ricky 6. Juli 2018 um 17:20 
Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: No more, Arthas! No more lives will be consumed by your hatred!
Terenas Menethil II yells: Free at last! It is over, my son. This is the moment of reckoning.
Terenas Menethil II yells: Rise up, champions of the Light!
Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: THE LICH KING...MUST...FALL!
The Lich King yells: Now I stand, the lion before the lambs... and they do not fear.
The Lich King yells: They cannot fear.


Arthas Menethil: Father? Is it... over?
Terenas Menethil II: At long last. No king rules forever, my son.
Arthas Menethil: I see... only darkness... before me...
Terenas Menethil II: Without its master's command, the restless Scourge will become an even greater threat to this world.
Terenas Menethil II: Control must be maintained... There must always be... a LICH KING ...

Ricky 14. Mai 2018 um 14:13 
Stand up, be strong!
Know right from wrong!
Forever Hence,
Believe yourself!

And when you feel the pressure,
The strain is hard to measure,
So in you're sheer endeavour,
Forever hence believe yourself
Ricky 26. Aug. 2017 um 18:18 
Ricky 28. Mai 2015 um 1:42 
Hitagi "Tsundere-chan, Gahara-san, Senshougahara-san" Senjougahara
Ricky 30. März 2014 um 22:58 
"Now Im motivated"
Ricky 5. Feb. 2014 um 22:35 
"Well, I want you to make contracts with me and become PUELLA MAGI."
Ricky 18. Aug. 2012 um 15:14 
...I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now...
Ricky 6. Aug. 2011 um 3:30 
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.