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发布于:2023 年 2 月 2 日 下午 5:52

Gigabash is a fun, kaiju-sized brawler kinda similar to the likes of Power Stone. You have a light roster of about 10 kaiju to choose from (14 with the Godzilla DLC added) and a healthy smattering of arenas to smash up while you engage in chaotic kaiju combat. The basic gameplay is largely simple but each character has a distinct playstyle and there's room for mastering combos and things like that.

As far as modes are concerned, there is a story mode, an arcade mode with the most recent update along with a survival mode. And there's also a mode known as mayhem which you can apply all kinds of special rules and win conditions to. Personally, my favorite is the story mode, because of the variety of different goals and the great art...but regrettably, there's only stories for 4 out of 10 characters. I honestly hope more are added in the future! I kind of wish that one was added for Godzilla with the DLC, at least. There's also online play, which I didn't test myself.

Overall, it's a fun smash-'em-up brawler and its rather modest price tag means that you won't feel too burned even when you burn through the story content really fast.
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