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发布于:2017 年 9 月 6 日 下午 3:30

Fallout New Vegas is an incredible game that is about hunting down some a wasteland lunatic and filling him full of bullets...
why fill him full of bullets you ask?
he shot you in the head...if that does not inspire a need for vengence then nothing will

is that all there is to the game?
hell no theres all sorts of things to do including:
find and join a faction
shooting things
running away from things shooting at you
explore the mojave and hope for a nuclear winter
making things(like bullets so you can express deliver them into a certain someone)
helping people

NOTE:ignore the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who are suddenly flooding the reviews with negativity about Bethesdas Creation Club it has NOTHING to do with THIS game
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