
RenderScape の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:9.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.9時間)
As a massive Quake nerd, this is right up my alley. Beat the whole thing in almost one sitting, a really good boomer shooter. Any faults I have with it are just nitpicks so not worth mentioning. Definitely worth a play if you're into this genre :)
投稿日 7月21日.
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総プレイ時間:5.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.6時間)
I could start by talking about the aesthetics, but you should just scroll up and watch the trailer to see/hear the audio-visual design. If you're into it you'll love it, it's really well utilised, ramping up and down as the action ebbs and flows respectivley.

As for gameplay, it's is an arena shooter like Painkiller or serious sam. You enter a room, a forcefield comes up, kill all the enemies, move to the next room, repeat. It's a good formula , and it's well executed here. Waves flow smootly from one to next and no one wave has too much or too little going on. The true aim though is not to simply kill all the enimies, but to do so with style. Execute combos to earn points, and aim for the highscores. The fact that combos also drop health/ammo pickups and look cool as hell encourages you aim for highscores without you even realising it, so you're always trying to play in the most enjoyable way possible.

Sadly, it's not all scanlines and rainbows for Desync. The experience is too often spoilt by a handful of poor design choices that really take you out of the flow they've tried so hard to pull you into. Enemy attacks are poorly telegraphed, melee attacks seem to be instant, and ranged attacks have weird charge up cycles that don't accuratley portray when the shot is actually going to be fired. You're given a dash move that's supposed to let you phase through enemy projectiles, but often I'd find myself dashing and getting hit anyway. Add on top of this a bunch of instant kill death pits and traps that you couldn't see because you were having the time of your life circle strafing around at 100 miles per hour and you're left with a bunch of unfair deaths that you never felt like you deserved.

You've also got the things that go against the games own signature combo system. The starting weapon, the only one with infinite ammo, has basically no combo options, and is just unfun to use and there are a bunch of enemies immune to knockback, the primary mechanic for cool combos.

While it might now sound like this game is flawed beyond enjoyment, that is not the case. I got this on sale, granted, but I don't regret the money or time I spent with this game, and it's worth yours too. If anything, the annoyance you feel when the bad parts show up just goes to show how good the good parts are, you're annoyed because the good times stopped, and I think we can cut them some slack. It's made by a small team, who obviously did put a lot of time and effort into it, and I hope we see them make even better games in the future.
投稿日 2018年11月18日.
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