RE read my description~
It turns out that I have acute lymphocitic lymphoblastic leukemia. I have a strong chance of chemo failing. You may not hear from me for months, if ever again.
Currently Offline
cat 20 Sep, 2024 @ 11:47am 
it's been over 10 years... i barely remember much from that time of my life, but i do remember always looking forward to hanging out with you. Thanks for being my friend. It's also weird to barely recognize people here. It's been so long we're all completely different people. it was a difficult part of my life and i really appreciated having someone friendly i could always go to. thank you for that.
Genghis Dong 3 Nov, 2023 @ 1:54pm 
miss you pid.
Genghis Dong 21 Apr, 2023 @ 8:12pm 
so high
trolling industrial complex 10 Nov, 2022 @ 9:13am 
can we get much higher
ellie 17 Feb, 2022 @ 10:07pm 
It's weird coming back to you now, after so long. The times I spent with you and everyone else stick out as highlights of that middle third of my adolescence. It's weird to say about lights I'd see flashing on my screen but back then you were one of my best friends. After all these years, you still return to me in these moments of nostalgia. I hope one day time wraps around and we can hear each other. Thank you for helping me find my voice.
trolling industrial complex 25 Dec, 2020 @ 10:46am 
merry christmas pid