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Neue Rezensionen von Captain-Keyes

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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 22
1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
0.6 Std. insgesamt
okay here are some major flaws with the game:

1) Real life timer in place. uses 1 water per 24 hours. runs even when offline. so you better not go on holiday or say a christmas break away from your computer for a long period of time or all your hard worked looted items get wiped. only your characters remain.

2) the ai is either sharp shooters or dump as doornails. you can walk right by them while they stare right at you or you could stand in the least shaded place and become virtually invisable to everything bar mechs.

3) the maps. they look really big and cool when first entering them... but by the 13th mission i was just... bored. you spawn in the same place if in the same region and you make your way to the same extraction zone. so if you've gone through the maps once you been through it, nothing changes bar enemies that sometimes can't be killed at all or just have a glitched mech/cyber dog stuck in a alley/road way that means you have to kite them away while trying not to die.

now for the lil stuff that bugs me:

1) performance: terrible. had to go to medium and even then it felt like my sensitivity was going through a swamp.

2) the toutorial never really goes into any of the mechanics of the main hub area and leaves the player clicking in the god aweful menu trying to figure out what everything does and where everything goes.

3) co-op... what co-op!?: couldn't get it to work. there was nothing that seemed to work and no error messages. so no idea.

now for the good:

graphics are good..... for medium since i can't get my 4070 ti super to use high.

the ai sometimes gets so confused that they spin for hours on end on the spot and then fire randomly killing their own units making scavenging rather easy.... but kinda boring.

i wouldn't recommend this game right now for this price. i have refunded and will be keeping an eye on it but i doubt it will get off the ground and after a year of updates with little fixes it'll die out because of the water timer or the maps not being so detailed.
Verfasst am 24. September.
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4.3 Std. insgesamt (1.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I will start by saying that this isn't a bad game just really really basic and honestly for the price i got (11$) it's somewhat worth it? maybe?

the physics are... well there are there. you can fling parts of houses at your poor machine at mach 11, the demolishing is tedious. the side "bonuses" are really easy to get sometimes and other times impossible. the penalty system is somewhat broken if you have a "do not damage x" because X can be hurt from you sneezing in the next room from the safety of your nuclear bunker. all attachment points for the machines working tools (saw in particular) seems to be held on with rubber bands and a dream making using it frustrating. the machines appear to lose traction over obstacles like say the debris from the house you just plowwed into from being too frustrated with the saw.

there are no skills in the game. nothing to increase area damage of the sledge, or the damage of your jackhammer or the area of certain machine tools... so yes that hammer you have will do the same small dent it does throughout the entire game.

the building is... okay i guess? not really that satisfying and not really challenging at all.

all in all i give this game a 4/10. unless you pick t up at full price then it's a 2/10
Verfasst am 11. September.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 12. Sep. um 0:11 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
5.3 Std. insgesamt (1.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I would first like to point out that nowhere on the steam page does it say this is early access.

Secondly the DLC is blatant cash grab since you don't get to use any of it until your hours or days into the slow grind of the game.

Now the overall review.

It's bad. Like really bad. Constantly running out of ammo due to guns consuming a ton of ammo per shot (pistol consumes 10 per round, shotgun consumes 50). The toutorial explains the very basics but then when you are outside it the game throws timers at you and objects that gets no explanation at all. You don't get any good turrets until around mission 15 or so and each mission is a grind that doesn't seem to do much other than drain resources.

It's $25!! These things should have been tested and fixed by now!

But no. Everything quickly turns bland and grindy with little progress and co-op is terrible unless you want to swap being hosts and doing the same missions twice for the same rewards...

They tried to mash up multiple ideas from games... They could have made it work. They failed.
Verfasst am 28. März.
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6.2 Std. insgesamt (1.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
farm! get beaten up by bots that are wayyy too big and you can't compete against cuz you need tooooo....?

yep farm! farm farm farm.... the resource gathering is such a chore.
Verfasst am 22. März.
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95.6 Std. insgesamt (32.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
"server at capacity, please wait"

"time remaining: 2:45:00"
yes that's two hours, i had accidentally gone out and come back with the game in the background still running. apparently there was server capacity issues for almost 3 hours.

this is garbage. ignoring the bugs like the somehow instant kills from rocket spam from the robots or the clunky ragdolls from seemingly random times. the fact some enemies can run through solid rock/concrete and walls just to kill you.

it's great if you have friends but it's full of bugs, terrible terrible bugs.
Verfasst am 17. Februar.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
FPS semi-post apocaliptic techno punk main game....

yet this dlc expects you to knife slide through a level with small arenas that last 2 seconds every 45 minutes.

not worth it... literally is only here to let out a single plot point that could have been done in a text file on a terminal or just put into the other dlc.

even the collectables in this dlc only grant you the ability to buy upgrades for items you get in the dlc or skins for the guns in the main game... so if you've completed the main game already there isn't much point.

waste. of. money.
Verfasst am 7. Februar.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
9.3 Std. insgesamt (1.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
honestly even for free this game is a big hell nah

so from the clunky UI the clunky building and the clunky driving it's just all very clunky. and not the good type of clunky that you can force yourself to play for some lols or anything. it's just boring and frustrating.

so the rails to start you'd think be a smooth building line like in the trailer. nope it's jittery as anything so half the time it's a guess if your still building rail or if the game decided you hit the limit an hour ago and you've just been running for 30 minutes.

the controls are laughable. like the developer hasn't taken a single class in game design or user friendly UI at all. plus if you don't have a num pad well guess you're out of luck.

last but not least you have to click one at a time to delete trees. no not chop down, delete. like the trees already feel and look like some 8 year old scribbled them over the terrain and now you have to click on them one by one to.... and i kid you not... watch them fall through the map with a stock free sound bite.

so alll in all just either get derail valley which is by far a better game than this (and has a competent development team) or just pull your teeth out. you would get a similiar experience to this game.
Verfasst am 18. November 2023.
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5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
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32.3 Std. insgesamt (1.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
EDIT: after being in their discord for an hour trying to get help I have come to rethink my review.

TLDR stay far far far away from this game and the community. (game is obnoxiously tedious and the community on discord considers you a "troll" for bringing up bugs.

so i threw some money towards this game while it was on kickstarter after playing the demo for a good long while. one of the rewards of this kickstarter was a "beta" key to play an updated version of the demo... there wasn't much changed between the two.

now onto the game; the entire game loop and as said by the devs themselves on the discord is 75% grinding minerals and 25% building and surviving. so for the first 30 to 40 hours (yes hours) you will be trying to grind the tech tree and resources to build basic structures which aren't very satisfying and are very tedious.

and that's all there is in the "game" right now. you just need to grind build and plant crops so you can.... grind and build more.... to grind and build more...

the tech tree is solely there to slow players down and make them go out of their small construction zone to get randomly generated blueprints to unlock the buildings they need to further survive. you'd think this would be fun or exciting? no, you get stuck with a quad that goes slightly faster than if you were running and has a capacity of a 10 year old golfcart with a slightly dead battery.

did i mention it's also RNG what blueprints you get? so if you just don't get the blueprints you want and the next "base" you need to drive to is out of your range... well sucks to be you! you'll die getting to it and there's a big chance it won't be the one you need.

all in all this was a major disapointment and a huge failure. do not surport these devs. they do not deserve it and have been doing nothing for the last 3/4 years.
Verfasst am 10. Mai 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11. Mai 2023.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 10. Mai 2023 um 12:32 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
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1.8 Std. insgesamt (0.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)


TLDR: devs got stolen and then made to work on ksp 2 which leads to this janky ass 50 buck game with less content then the entirety of ksp 1 and all it's dlc and mods.

non TLDR:

this is a 50 dollar EA just bear that in mind.

it is missing alot of what KSP 1 had on it's EA which was 10/15 bucks.

it's missing wide screen surpport, it's missing IVAs (something ksp1 had on EA release), it's UI, although "clean" is janky as all hell right now.

now for the real juicyness of history.

so sometime after ksp 1 sort of finished development (pretty much at the start of covid) the devs had a neat project they were working with private division. then suddenly the deal poofed and the next day (almost christmas) they got emails saying to join intercept games with a big fat pay check. so alot did and cause of it we now have this dumpster fire that has been in and out of development for 2 and a bit years.

basically these people are scumbags and now are robbing you for 50 bucks. for a game that even the first game had more ♥♥♥♥ on EA than it currently does.
Verfasst am 24. Februar 2023.
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3.2 Std. insgesamt
i'm giving this a 5/10 since the electric systems need some love. having only what seems to be one input and output seriously makes wiring tiring and annoying.

other than that right now it's a bit of a grind but for what it has it's a fun 2/3 hour game
Verfasst am 26. Januar 2023.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 22