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Ergebnisse 31–40 von 75
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3.9 Std. insgesamt (2.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
What did I just play?
Verfasst am 24. Oktober 2017.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
16.0 Std. insgesamt (15.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Alright before I go over anything I’d say a 8/10 for this one. Although it provides a good story and gameplay its down side is that it’s extremely buggy I mean I could’ve probably beaten the game sooner if it was not for the bugs. But that even said the game is also surprisingly short when I mean short I grinded a lot and when I mean a lot I mean every time I get close to leaving an area or when I enter an area. And the game only lasted 15 hours with the bugs included. Imagine if I played on easy I’d probably beat it in ten.

While what it lacks in time it makes for in tension it’s probably one of the most tense bioshock games but it really lacks in difficulty. I mean you don’t really have much of a struggle until the very end. But what bioshock 2 lacks in difficulty and the constant bugs it makes up for in unique mechanics. This game has way more unique mechanics then the previous ones and the sequel infinite. I am not going to spoil it because I am not rude like that if you want to be spoiled look in the negative review section. But if your here to see if bioshock 2 is what they say it is that it is criminally under hyped I’d say I don’t know.

I am bent whether to throw the game in the trash or put it on a shelf. It has a good story it is fun but it’s pretty much a poor clone of its predecessor. I mean bioshock the original is my all time favorite game but bioshock 2 can’t hold a candle to it. Honestly the only thing the game has going for it is story and you playing as a big daddy that’s not a spoiler that’s in the description and screenshots. But if that’s enough to make you love the game a hud and a drill really? Kind of lazy of the devs it’s probably because bioshock strove to be way ahead of its time and instead showed its issue from the start. When you think of big daddy you think of an unstoppable force but instead your more like a little daddy if anything.

You have roughly the same starting health and eve as bioshock 1 and the only big daddy move you get is drill dash and that’s late game. The drill actually is a disappointment on its self as it’s like the wrench but it has ammo to it and practically useless when out of fuel. I mean I know you can upgrade it but even fully upgraded it feels weak and pretty much useless. I only used it late game because ammo was becoming increasingly scarce and it’s a fair alternative even though I feel the wrench was more effective. I mean clearly they had good intentions but they probably lacked the funds to do anything more and playing it you can clearly see they focused more on story and lore but in so you can see that the game was kind of rushed.

But the devs did see the error of bioshock 2 and incorporated much of its story to bioshock infinite believe it or not those that have beaten this game and infinite can see the similarities and it’s safe to assume that they did do a little bit of recycling. While this conversation can go on forever I nowhere hate the game I just prefer the original. If I had to pick I’d say the best is bioshock and the 2nd best is bioshock 2. While I love bioshock 2 I’d never say its worth it just because of the stress of going into the game files and deleting save files late game due to constant save corruption and also you must apply a fix from some steam guides to fix it so it does not constantly crash.

Just a recap, get it at your own risk it’s worth it if you’re a fan of the series but not the one you should start with. Constant bugs flood the game and the game is a little rushed and also a pc port from console.
Verfasst am 20. Juli 2017.
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22.8 Std. insgesamt (13.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game changes you and ways you'd never expect. Ever wondered how the wolf got his ferocity? After a while you'll dam an underwater lake, so it won't flow and harm the other dwarfs. But then a digger dwarf unaware starts mining a new hole inside the underwater lake. You reach out to stop him and didn't realize you had the dynamite button held down. The digger explodes into a spectacular crater, your mind takes a second to process what you've done.

Another dwarf approaches the crater and begins to inspect it. You can’t have him find out what you’ve done! So, you push him down the crater, the other dwarfs will just think it was an accident. You slowly descend into a state of denial. It was just an accident and that dwarf just fell down the crater unaware of the craters existence. At first a few “Accidents” began to happen, then a few more.

Your eyes glance at the underwater lake still ready to be released, you remove the brick wall you had damming the water. And soon the entire village is over taken in a glorious light blue color. MARVELOUS, SIMPLY DELICIOUS! And the game ends and you grin with delight and you press the restart button.
Verfasst am 4. Juli 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. Oktober 2018.
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11 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
3.1 Std. insgesamt
A little story first. My once best friend begged me for months to play this, I finally got the money and spent the 9.99$ while it was on sale. Just when I first started the game with him we spawned in the astroid preset. He said that it was the easiest to start out. After a while we could not find the materials to build a ship. So he said restart, it took 2 hours until we finally got a simple grinder.

After having performance issues and crashes I stopped playing. Now I know what you are thinking "Potato computer" but my computer is able to run gta V and other 2014 under games at 40-60 fps. The only thing wrong with my computer is it's using a bad graphics card. I was using all this as a reason not to play so I did not hurt my dear old friend. He kept begging until I finally told him I found it boring. Now I as a person who has played many survival games this one is not difficult just poorly done, a lot like this review.

For the most part I never got a chance to try out ship building I just saw it done. It took way too long with the materials already in hand to make a grinder ship. This would not be so bad if it did not stall the entire game. He kept saying "If it's boring then let's set it to normal" I think he does not understand who I am. I have played 7 days to die, don't starve, dayz,
l4d2, l4d, nmrih, killing floor, and unturned. I think I have seen enough to know this game can't be that difficult besides resource struggling. Mostly because the only way to effectively get resources is asteroids and that's mostly based on your spawn if you spawn in an unlucky place it could take hours to find anything because you don't spawn with a ship unless you want to fly 200,000m to take it back to base and be able to craft stuff.

You heard I told you about my once best friend? Well it's not because of this game he just went insane over time to the point I had to let him go. I blocked and unfriended him his name shale not be mentioned as to not damage his reputation. The only thing that might be good on this game is the sandbox but I am not gonna even try that.
Verfasst am 2. Juli 2017.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
6 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
3.3 Std. insgesamt (0.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Waited so many years to get my revenge. And finally after so many years I BLASTED THOSE BIRD BRAINS!! Now when people ask me "amusquiz how good did it feel to get revenge on those blasted birds" well I tell you this they were better fried then alive.
Verfasst am 26. Juni 2017.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
26.0 Std. insgesamt (0.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
You owe me a new friend csgo you took his soul and now I cannot stand playing anything with him. EIther he complains about realism or hes too good.
Verfasst am 23. Mai 2017.
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1,756.6 Std. insgesamt (1,663.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Spoiler warning!!

In this game you play as a man named Garry within this post apocalyptic world where computers can alter time, space, and reality. Garry’s main goal is to hack into the super terminal and free man kind from the matrix, hence the name Garry’s mod. While inside the matrix he meets Jill, a super cool female protagonist that helps him along his journey. She tells him in order to find the super terminal he must first find the voice your reading this review in. This blew garry's mind as he was reading everything in Mirosoft David's voice as you are right now,

This eventually leads to a cliff hanger with a scene where Garry’s is on the floor holding his hands to his ears.
In case you have not realize there is no story you make up your own adventure its Garry’s mod anything could happen.
Verfasst am 28. Februar 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. Juli 2020.
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80.1 Std. insgesamt (76.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It was fun for a good long while. Up until the creators decided to add cosmetics to the game. Why is that a bad thing? They pretty much caused the following.

- I killed more teammates because some of the cosmetics misguide you on who is on what team. And they can see your team damage so if you fight a player on your team they will think you are a troll and kick you. And if your unlucky you could do a high amount of damage to them and even if you did not kill them they will think the 59% team damage is on purpose.

- Most of the cosmetic armor is not fitting for what the game is based on destroying immersion.

The cosmetics launched I'd say a month or two after I got it so it was sorta a disadvantage on my end as I enjoyed the default models for immersive reasons making it feel like the medieval ages rather then a fantasy game. And it's not like they focused on making the models fitting for the game if you own pay day 2 you get a pay day armor set. There is also I think a plague doctor armor set and then the barbarian set almost anyone that wastes money on cosmetics wears. Sure there is the limited edition ones that dedicated fans can earn for a limited time and the veteran helmets you get for mastering a class. But they usually tell you if your subscribed to the news for chivalry when you can get them or how to get them.

And enough with the cosmetics onto another issue. There is a such thing as ranked servers so all the servers in green if your a 15+ rank you cannot play on those servers anymore. Why is that bad? well guess what no servers are online but those at certain hours of the day and when chivalry is finally a dead community you cannot even play without buying another copy. So unless you want to play on a 190+ ping server your not going to be playing at any time you feel like.

Then there is the issue with exploiting becoming a feature. You don't notice it right away as you pull the bad player card and think that player is just good. In reality they just did like half the population of this game does and cranked their mouse sensitivity up to insane levels so they can do a spinning attack with a maul. This pretty much ruins any hope at getting even one kill unless you of course you practice with a dagger or shortsword. That would be your best bet to be good at this game without exploiting or just mindlessly charging at players.

This game is more or less a collectable game that you just buy to sit on a shelf and never play again.
Verfasst am 28. Februar 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. März 2019.
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12 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
4.5 Std. insgesamt (4.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Played 3 hours of it only for it to die months later and not being able to play it due to crashes and performance.
Verfasst am 18. Februar 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18. Februar 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
16.9 Std. insgesamt (11.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This deserves to win an award for being the best shooter ever.
Verfasst am 4. Januar 2017.
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Ergebnisse 31–40 von 75