Cat Patience
Realus Namus
Hello, ESports community. I have a rare eye disease and am home from surgery now. I have both eyes and am severely myopic. However, it feels great to see again! Just want to take the time to say games can be life-changing in a good way and even save lives! I hear way too much lately about how gaming is to blame for all the world's problems. It is time to push back in order to widen perspectives regarding gaming and what it really does for society.

You guys, I don't even joke about stuff like this. I needed surgery and took being severely myopic as a win compared to what I had been suffering with prior. I'm visually impaired. I don't flake out on people and really do think it is unsafe for me to drive. I'm okay with talking about my disabilities and did not develop my condition from staring at a screen or gaming...That's impossible since my lenses were not viable when I was an infant. So, don't be ableist with me or anyone.

I love games like Metal:Hellsinger since I can hear it and like keeping up with the music. I've always been a metal fan. My favorite metal singer of all time is Frau Ginsberg and my hobby up until covid hit had been keeping people company in assisted living. I don't think people should be excluded from life when they hit a certain age and it breaks my heart when they are.
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