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Análises recentes de Charcoal

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418.4 horas registradas (117.2 horas no momento da análise)
A classic story of Redemption (No, not that one). A game with a rocky start, a diseased publisher, and a horror background.

Destiny 2 as of now is in the best shape it has ever been in. Breaking off from Activision and being placed firmly in the hands of it's own to ensure a stable future. With a 5 year plan in motion, you will get the most out of your buck with this game.

Just be ready for some toxic people in the PVP Area. It can get quite swampy some days.
Publicada em 1 de dezembro de 2019.
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17.5 horas registradas (0.9 horas no momento da análise)
Do not get me wrong Battlefield 2 is a Funtastic Game. Even more with the AiX mod installed. But now it just refuses to work at all for me. Every time i click to start a match it gives me the debug assertion error. I have tried DirectX Diags and edditing Video.con and Still nothing seems to work. Simply put. Battlefield 2 Is completley Broken beyond fix. If it works for others good for you. But let this serve as a warning if you consider purchasing this game. If you have a possible fix for me please add me as soon as you can.
Publicada em 2 de setembro de 2014.
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