AuTiSt 27 Feb @ 10:54am 
+rep cutest cutie-patootie
CounterPNG 12 Dec, 2024 @ 1:08pm 
-rep sweaty loser with overhaul and endeavour teammate
WHOisROXIS 2 Oct, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
  . | ノ     ヽ /⌒ )
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚)  | .|     ▂ ▪ ▂▄▅▆▇■▀▀〓◣▬ ▪ ■ … .
 / /   ( _●_)  ミ/  .▂▅■▀ ▪ ■ ▂¨ ∵▃ ▪ ・
.(  ヽ  |∪| /   ◢▇█▀ ¨▂▄▅▆▇██■■〓◥◣▄
 \    ヽノ /  ■ ▂▅██▅▆▇██■〓▀▀ ◥◣ ∴ ▪ .
  /      / ▅▇███████▀ ▪ ∴ ….▅ ■  ◥◣
 |   _つ◥▅▆▇████████▆▃▂  ▪ ■▂▄▃▄▂
 |  /ω\ \ ■  ¨ ▀▀▀■▀▀▀ ▪ ■ ∴‥
 | /     )  )
 ∪     (  \
AuTiSt 26 Jan, 2024 @ 8:18am 
  . | ノ     ヽ /⌒ )
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚)  | .|     ▂ ▪ ▂▄▅▆▇■▀▀〓◣▬ ▪ ■ … .
 / /   ( _●_)  ミ/  .▂▅■▀ ▪ ■ ▂¨ ∵▃ ▪ ・
.(  ヽ  |∪| /   ◢▇█▀ ¨▂▄▅▆▇██■■〓◥◣▄
 \    ヽノ /  ■ ▂▅██▅▆▇██■〓▀▀ ◥◣ ∴ ▪ .
  /      / ▅▇███████▀ ▪ ∴ ….▅ ■  ◥◣
 |   _つ◥▅▆▇████████▆▃▂  ▪ ■▂▄▃▄▂
 |  /ω\ \ ■  ¨ ▀▀▀■▀▀▀ ▪ ■ ∴‥
 | /     )  )
 ∪     (  \
Evil Tiger 6 Oct, 2022 @ 7:02am 
AuTiSt 17 Mar, 2021 @ 7:07am 
cute but cringe
AuTiSt 20 Aug, 2018 @ 9:58am 
I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge, and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to ♥♥♥♥♥♥. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor’s office and when he lubes up I nearly♥♥♥♥♥every time. But I’ve trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius’s wrath. then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate I unleash with the fury of a lion hunting it’s prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don’t have to go in for surgery under the doctor that I busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it’s covered by taxpayers. That’s my fetish.
AuTiSt 15 Jan, 2018 @ 11:51am 
Just finished your logo:
qokhan 18 Apr, 2017 @ 11:46am 
-Rep ♥♥♥♥ you germany