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24 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
281.1 ore înregistrate (279.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
It's really no strategy involved. Eveyone does the something every game. It's a facebook app so it's more so made for the causual player. The concept of the dragons is the only thing that keeps my interest. A fade for right now. All the so call experts players do is play with their friends or so-call clans, which is basically the best stretagy in this game for winning. TEAM WORK. The rating system is a joke, just based on W/L. Rather than individual achievements. The losing team players may have better stats than the winning team, yet gets no rewards for KDR, structures destroyed, gold collected, minions killed or asssist , Just the L. Meanwhile, the winning team feeder who goes 0-8 and contributed nothing to the W get points, stupid. It's annoying to listen to the so-called expert players and moderators talk about how much strategy it take to win, really when either team can have the same dragons and weapon its no STRATEGY involved other than the team who has BETTER TEAMWORK WINS. Their's no in game gear to buy to adjust your STRATEGY, their's not picking of dragons or weapons to counter the other team STRATEGY. BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST. Hell, you can't even see the other team pick until the game actually start, maybe thats a developer STRATEGY. A poster metioned this game is better than DOTA2, this game is childs play compared to DOTA2, clueless comment. Lets take DOTA2 for example, every charatcter has it's strenght and weakness, you can't play 2 of the same hero on different team .BTW it is the dumdness thing in any MOBA game to have the same charatcter on different teams. You have different roles for each player in DOTA2, support/carry/mid/hard lane/jugler etc. You have real STRATEGY involved, last hitting creeps, pulling creep wave, dening creeps, calling for ganks. You can counter any character with another one, for example Drow ranger or Sniper who are consider OP by noobs can easily be owned by a Huskar or Spring Breaker, Huskar can be handle by a Chos knight. Again picking the right character to counter your opponent, it's called STRATEGY. NONE OF WHICH EXIST IN THIS GAME. Next, it's the most buged game i've ever played always crashing, I tried playing with my game pad EVERY game I lagged out and crashed. All the so-called expert players speed hack/cheat. Now, the nickel and dime aspect, i will disclaim I have spent more than $130 USD on this game and have played grater than 200 hrs. Everything is randomized so you grind for 5K crystals and randomized a dragon or weapon you don't want, you can't trade it to another player, NO MONEY INVOLVED IN THAT, all you can do is sell it for a fraction of what you grind for, basically a waste of your time. Then thiers runes completion which takes UP TO 48hrs to complete, why I have no clue, maybe they are using a sweat shop in China to do the work. Weapon forge can take an eternity, again maybe this one is sent to India for completion, unless you buy instance item to complete forge, money grab basically. After 200 hrs, I have not randomized any items i want, thus spending my own cash, good marketing strategy. Bottom line, this is a causal game, repetitious game play with no real substance and indepth game play or STREATGY. They just celebrated 300,000 likes on FB, but at peak EST around 8pm thiers only around 500 players on. That in it self tells you everything you need to know about this game. That is all, peace.
Postat 13 mai 2014.
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