:lunar2020ratinablanket: :summer2019mushroom: :stress: Icon made by me :stress:
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6 Hours played
To me, this game was really powerful. And that's beside the amazing visuals and the incredibly relaxing and beautiful soundtrack.
Maybe it was just me, reading too much into it, but playing this game, at a time where I'm not doing well, and every day is just a chore to get through, this game made me feel better. Like stuff would get better.
And this is just me, and my personal experience, but I can safely say, it was a very, very good one.

This game is beautiful to look at, the soundtrack is one of the most beautiful I've heard in games so far, and the puzzles are challenging, but not frustrating. It's not a very long game if you just run through it - like me - but has some hidden extra-puzzles, which I will go back for, and see what I get out of it.
Everything just works together perfectly. I'm really glad I got to play it (it actually was a gift from my friends).