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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Bodega Ott

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190.0 godz. łącznie
"Joker 2 isn't bad" ofcourse you're dumb idiot brain wouldn't understand the mediocrity of joker 2, ♥♥♥♥ pacing along with awful music choices and performances, especially gaga, Joaquin Phoenix tries his best with the screen play he's given and yet gaga tries to take the spotlight most of the movie and fails miserably, this movie is a joke and Tod Philips made the right decision making this his last DC project sucka
Opublikowana: 14 października.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
Honestly, why wasn't this the Duke Nukem Forever campaign in the first place? It's funnier, less annoying (the babes in here look better, and don't all use the same annoying voice) and it just "feels" more like Duke. There's a platforming part, where even though it still feels weird due to DNF's clunkyness, is still fun. The fact that you are killing Dr. Proton, the villain from the first Duke before Duke 3D is pretty neat. The shoutouts to the old school Duke 3D maps are pretty funny too.

Most of the enemies are still there but you've also got the Dukebots, and Duke Clones, and it's pretty cool fighting the Duke Clones because they repeat Duke's quotes and sometimes they purposely glitch them out and their voice pitch gets screwed up, or they say the quotes incorrectly.

The new weapons aren't too great. If you were expecting the Expander to be like the classic one, then you can stop expecting that. The Impregnator seems to be pretty strong, but it's not very amusing, the Expander is still a lot better. The new MP maps & game modes are cool too. Note: You won't see servers that are hosting DLC content in the server browser at all, until you buy the DLC.

If you didn't like the original DNF campaign, you might like this, MIGHT. If you did enjoy the DNF campaign, you WILL enjoy this, and you should definitely grab it if it's on sale. I don't think it's worth the full price.
It just feels somehow that the developers had more fun creating this DLC. I suspect that's because the original DNF campaign had been the same throughout the whole 12 years of development, so they got bored and just wanted to release it already.
Opublikowana: 5 października.
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89.9 godz. łącznie
A Glorious Return to Duke Nukem's World!

As a longtime fan of the Duke Nukem franchise, I couldn't wait to dive into Duke Nukem Forever, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint! I know the game has faced its share of negative press, but as someone who has loved Duke since his 90s heyday, I found this sequel to be a delightful trip down memory lane with a modern twist.

First off, the humor is quintessential Duke. The one-liners are sharp, over-the-top, and downright hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at Duke’s signature bravado and absurd antics — exactly what I expect from our macho hero. It’s fun to see that classic humor blended with contemporary references and satire of modern gaming culture.

The gameplay is a glorious blend of nostalgia and innovation. Yes, it has its quirks, but the gunplay feels satisfying, and the level design invites exploration. I loved the variety of weapons at your disposal; from the classic laser guns to innovative new gadgets, there’s something for every play style. Not to mention, the set pieces are out of this world — literally! I felt like a kid again, racing through alien-infested environments with Duke leading the charge.

The graphics do a great job of balancing between modern and retro, creating a unique aesthetic that pays homage to the franchise’s roots while still feeling fresh. Duke’s character model and the environments are colorful and vibrant, which only amplifies the fun factor.

It’s also refreshing to see Duke Nukem embrace his legacy while acknowledging the long wait. This game captures the essence of what made the original titles so great while not being afraid to poke fun at itself. For fans of the franchise, it feels like a celebratory reunion with an old friend.

I can understand why some critics might have had mixed feelings, but as a dedicated fan, I appreciate the game's strengths. Duke Nukem Forever may have taken forever to arrive, but it’s packed with everything we love about Duke — over-the-top action, humor, and an unapologetic attitude!

So to all the loyal Duke fans out there, don’t listen to the naysayers! Grab your gear, jump back into Duke’s world, and enjoy every outrageous moment. This game is a blast, and I can’t recommend it enough to anyone who’s ever wanted to return to the epic, hilarious world of Duke Nukem!
Opublikowana: 5 października. Ostatnio edytowane: 5 października.
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14.6 godz. łącznie
Duke Nukem Forever got a lot of negative press when it was released. Some was deserved, some was not. At the end of the day, it's not a masterpiece at any stretch, but it is enjoyable for what it is. If you can look past all of the games small problems, then there is a fun time to be had.
Opublikowana: 5 października.
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2.4 godz. łącznie
Yes, it's safe to say this game was a massive failure. It's messy, ugly, offensive, unpolished and barely functional a lot of the time. So why do I keep playing it?

There's just something about the Duke. Even at his worst, he injects far more personality into his games than any no-name Sgt. Bland from Generic Military Shooter 2020.

It's nothing even approaching the awesomeness of Duke Nukem 3D, but enough of the soul is still there for it to be an enjoyable distraction. Maybe now it can even be viewed as so bad it's good?

I cautiously recommend.
Opublikowana: 5 października.
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8.2 godz. łącznie (8.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
It's normal to have high expectations on a game that's been in development for more than 10 years, but to judge it it's important to know a little of its development history to understand why they took so long to finish it.

It was remade from scratch many times because of the engine or graphics being outdated, they wanted it to be perfect, or at least as groundbreaking as the original Duke Nukem 3D was at its time. Due to this fact, many of the original ideas planned for the game didn't make it to the final product as can be seen in its many trailers.

But then, when all hope was lost (with 3D Realms closing) Gearbox appeared and saved the day buying the Duke Nukem license. And then the game was released. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it awesome? I wish... Was it bad? No, and that's what it's important.

If you don't know the history of its development, the final product (at least the bulk of it, not counting the makeup and multiplayer Gearbox added later) was finished by 2009, and due to budget and legal problems, the game felt a little old even for that time. So probably most of its ideas were nice and new for 2005 maybe, its not bad! But not as impactating as they wish they were (if they decided to change it, it probably would have never been released).

Plot wise, it isn't something jaw dropping, it is something you would expect from a Duke Nukem game: Duke is loved and desired by the women, men admire him, and kids want to be like him, it's all going well until an alien mothership comes to Earth. The problem is, they're not being hostile... yet. As the story unfolds (doesn't take too long actually) everybody finds out that the aliens plan on abducting the women, and kill everyone else, ESPECIALLY Duke Nukem, so it's up to the King to go rescue the babes and save the world once again.

Graphically, it isn't outstanding by any means, but Gearbox did a really good job poilishing it, the blur and depth of filed effects are really well implemented. You can notice a few low res texture here and there (most noticeable on the console versions) but it shines at times like in the Cycloid Emperor fight at the start of the game or in the Mothership battle a bit alter on. What really is kinda of ugly, it's the animations, the characters move unnaturally and don't have many facial expressions, reminded of Quake 4 NPCs. On the other hand, the enemies are very detailed and in general really well done.

In the Sound department, it lacks a more compelling soundtrack, but the voice acting is really well done, Jon St. John returns as Duke doing a really great job. The other NPCs sound a little ridiculous sometimes, but that's intended. The one-liners return and (fortunately for me and unfortunately for others) the old ones come back too. There aren't many good ones within the introduced in this game, but some really have the spirit of the franchise.

Gameplay was one of the most controversial things about this game, I thought it was too linear run and gun with regenerative health (ego) as most FPS games are nowadays, and that's what disappointed me. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to play, but I expected it to be more open ended like Duke 3D. I was hoping for something that would really differ (in a good way) from all the games we have today. There are puzzles here and there and I enjoyed them, to reduce the pace a little to not get too repetitive. The other games references were funny and not offensive like most people think they were, Duke Nukem 3D featured a "dead space marine.." (Duke's voice) and played just like it, guys at Id found it hilarious and not offensive, it's more of a homage than an offense. The guns for the most part don't feel very powerful (with the exception of the shotgun), and the classic funny ones can't be used as they were in Duke 3D because of the 2 weapon limit (4 as an option with a later released patch), the Shrink Ray is overpowered, since it's almost One Shot One Kill, but the Freeze-Ray is underpowered because it takes a lot of time to actually freeze the enemy and puts you in harm's way since it only works in close range.
The loading times aren't as huge on the PC as they are on the console versions, but it is still a little big when you are dying constantly in a specific part of the game. You can't save whenever you want, instead the game uses checkpoints, which actually makes the game more challenging (too much at times but oh well).

Multiplayer is old school. Features deathmatch, team deathmatch, CTF (CT Babe in this case), and King of The Hill. All old school fast paced, not many people play it, but its fun for a while. Weird that when any player dies, they blow up instead of having ragdolls, probably because the guys at Gearbox didn't have time to implement it.

As a game released these days, I'll give it a 6, which is fair, it shares a lot of similarities to other popular FPS games these days (including the complaints). But knowing that it was supposed to be released a long time ago (talking of the actual build, not the old ones), when the ideas were actually "new" for the time, I would give it a 7.8. I think that after all that the developers been through, they deserve a little understanding.
Opublikowana: 4 października.
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30.8 godz. łącznie
Duke Nukem Forever – "Hail to the King, Baby!" 🤴💥

Look, Duke Nukem Forever might have taken forever to arrive, but it’s packed with enough one-liners, explosions, and absurd testosterone to make up for it! 💣💪 If you’re in the mood for old-school action where logic takes a backseat to massive guns and alien butt-kicking, this game delivers it with a smug grin and a pair of sunglasses.

The arsenal? Ridiculous. The dialogue? Hilariously cheesy. The gameplay? Straight-up Duke—blowing stuff up, driving monster trucks, and tossing around aliens like it's the 90s all over again. 🎯

Sure, it’s not perfect, but perfection isn't Duke's style anyway. He’s here for carnage, explosions, and saving the babes. And let's be real, isn't that why we all came? 😎🔥
Opublikowana: 4 października.
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69.9 godz. łącznie
Duke Nukem Forever – "Hail to the King, Baby!" 🤴💥

Look, Duke Nukem Forever might have taken forever to arrive, but it’s packed with enough one-liners, explosions, and absurd testosterone to make up for it! 💣💪 If you’re in the mood for old-school action where logic takes a backseat to massive guns and alien butt-kicking, this game delivers it with a smug grin and a pair of sunglasses.

The arsenal? Ridiculous. The dialogue? Hilariously cheesy. The gameplay? Straight-up Duke—blowing stuff up, driving monster trucks, and tossing around aliens like it's the 90s all over again. 🎯

Sure, it’s not perfect, but perfection isn't Duke's style anyway. He’s here for carnage, explosions, and saving the babes. And let's be real, isn't that why we all came? 😎🔥
Opublikowana: 4 października.
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0.7 godz. łącznie
Opublikowana: 30 września.
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5.3 godz. łącznie

This game is awesome. I haven't had this much fun in so long. If you have issues getting this game to run that's a shame. You likely just need to upgrade your computer. luckily I got a pretty good computer so I can handle this game. Yeah it runs smooth as butter on my computer. It likely is just a you problem, which is a shame because this game is so fun.
Opublikowana: 10 września.
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