United States
Hi. I'm Mr. Hepworth.

I've been teaching English at Waterford since the fall of 2006. Mostly I teach freshman English, junior Composition and Science Fiction Lit. I also coach forensics. If you're interested in joining forensics (and you should be) come talk to me about it. We start our season in November.

In case you couldn't tell, I really like space, and spaceships, and science fiction stuff. The walls of my classroom are covered with spaceships (and castles). If you're ever in the mood to read some science fiction (or something with swords and castles and dragons and dying), I can help you out. In fact, I run my own little mini library right out of my own room. I can do this because I read a lot. A lot a lot. If you just tell me what your favorite movie, TV show, or video game is, I can point you towards a book you'll like.

Oh, I also like cats. And coffee. Lots of coffee. Once, I accidentally made decaf. I almost died.

Most days (assuming the coffee I'm drinking is not decaf) I arrive at school at 6:30 and I stay after school until 4. My door is always open for you to come ask questions, get help, or just find a quiet place to work. So don't be a stranger. Stop on by!
현재 오프라인
Cronotekk 2017년 1월 16일 오후 6시 15분 
It's the real mr hepworth
FailWhale 2017년 1월 15일 오전 7시 56분 
your dumr :steamsalty:
AmericanFrog 2017년 1월 12일 오후 6시 39분 