@l3xander \ R3d W1ngs
viktor IAPC   Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala
mi juego favorito es counter strike source asi que ya saben
현재 오프라인
Mezizil 2021년 1월 10일 오후 12시 24분 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
FreelancerLR 2015년 12월 22일 오후 2시 41분 
Sometimes i sit up at night as i wank, and I think to myself why is my kind so hated? I mean all we do is watch anime and wank to some of them. Then I realized. It's those Boku No Pico ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that ruin it for all of us. Them impudent pigs with their mainstream hentai and dog toy sex they're a disgrace to all of us. "I AM A CASUAL ANIME WATCHER!" I screamed with pride. "I AM NOT A BOKU NO PICO ♥♥♥♥♥♥!" I screamed again. Intent on telling the internet of what i've learned I attempted to get out of bed and post it online, but as I tried to stand a weeaboo hunter named Weeaboo Jones pinned me to the ground saying, "Shh you will tell no one Freelancer." Ive been silenced I realized falling back onto my bed from the stab wound inflicted upon me. I reached up gasping for one last breath as I hugged my Neptune hugging pillow that was now stained with blood, and then just.....died.
kerO-RAMsterdam 2012년 11월 23일 오후 2시 34분 
Vivo pero para Cs 1.6 va?
kerO-RAMsterdam 2012년 11월 20일 오후 6시 36분 
Ahi te paso una ip el fin de semana y nos hechamos verga!
kerO-RAMsterdam 2012년 11월 20일 오후 6시 36분 
Jajaja si vos, yo no sabia q jugabas esta mierda; la vdd yo stoy regresando al CS lo habia dejado x 1 anio y ahora lo compre :D
_VENOM_OZ_[RR] 2012년 9월 5일 오후 8시 36분 
Miss ya Fez!!!!!!!!!!