A nerd   Korea, Republic of
Don't do drugs nerds.
If you trash talk with a private profile or comment section don't bother, you'll only be a clown in my eyes.
Who the hell mains Meg anyway?
That one guy in that one place.
Does my dbd playtime make me want to ankle scooter myself? Yes. Was it ever not worth it to play for that much? Also yes.

"Are you a big butt girl kinda guy, or a big boob girl kinda guy?"


Rizzo if you're reading this you're a petty power tripping baby.
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Recent Activity
31 hrs on record
last played on 17 Apr
2,209 hrs on record
last played on 17 Apr
Goated_Potato 16 Apr @ 7:01pm 
Ok sure not trying to spark anymore beef but your only defense if someone comments is private profile everything discredited is kinda week. Like agree that private profiles are a little bit of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but if that's your only defense and you can't come up with a actual comeback it makes your seem like the ♥♥♥♥♥
tuxii 14 Apr @ 8:18am 
Superb Meghead!
Poosiebeard 11 Apr @ 3:01am 
Cringelord actual.
Love me to death 24 Mar @ 5:27am 
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toficanocoringa 21 Feb @ 12:17pm 
''Bro killer is objectively easier than survivor at this point'' LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
BurntOutBulb 21 Feb @ 1:25am 
Bro killer is objectively easier than survivor at this point, and you can call me a bad person but I'm not the one who not only keeps their profile private but also plays on anon mode and still trash talks. The fact that you can't be bothered to spell a simple word like 'you' shows how lacking you are in the intelligence department, thus why you tunnel so hard, because playing anything outside of that tactic makes your brain hurt.