Colorado, United States
My dip dry as ♥♥♥♥, but dip is still dip....Yeet-yeet brother
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35시간 플레이
The Ascent is an amazing game. I recommend picking this up whether you play solo or friends. This is Top-Down Shooters biggest quality is the visuals. It looks absolutely stunning and I found myself enjoying the background on each floor and in each area. They have some really cool ideas for guns and augments however I think it feels very unpolished. It's not the most satisfying as it feels like the game gears you to one specific style and if you change that it's hard to progress. This style of game isn't for everyone but if you were to ever go for this Cyberpunk Universe shooter game, this is it. The biggest flaw about this game is certainly the quests were quite challenging to understand and YouTube was often the go to for these solutions.
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제품 평가 전시대
SWTOR is one of the best mmorpgs ever. If you like World of Warcraft, Rift, Guild Wars, this game is a classic representation of these styles of games. The gameplay is fun and exciting as you slash your way through the story. I love their take on class quests and they did a beautiful job with the rich environment. The servers however are decently empty so it can be tough doing group instances. Don't let that fool you, pvp is usually quiet present in the worlds and you normally get your ♥♥♥♥ rocked.

SWTOR: 10/10
J1LLM4R13 2024년 5월 25일 오전 5시 30분 
Still waiting on my tuition reimbursement from you. Call me soon it's urgent.
J1LLM4R13 2023년 5월 11일 오전 12시 07분 
-rep He mains Ela so he can look at her feet all game
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how does it feel getting kicked? time to burn another 1000x hell can wait cards L
Len Kagamine 2021년 12월 22일 오후 7시 07분 
Hey, im trying to get into contact with one of your friends about something, could you add me real quick?
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J1LLM4R13 2021년 4월 8일 오후 5시 48분 
Hello everyone, concerned father here. Recently my 7 year old son discovered the video game “Among Us” after playing it on his computer. While i didn’t mind at first, it soon began to affect his character. Within a week, he had been screaming 'sus’ in his sleep. When asked to do his homework, he called me a stupid father and said ‘kicked’. His grades have been dropping heavily since that day and whenever i refuse to give him my credit card for cosmetics he threatens me saying he’ll “eject” me. Yesterday I entered his room to witness him listening to extremely loud rave 'Among Drip’, he put a bunch of pillows in his shirt to make himself look big and now calls himself a “crewmate”. He refuses to go to bible study unless we use “vent” to get there. I don’t know what that is but he refuses to take any form of transportation except that. Please I am so concerned, what do I do?