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Análises recentes de Beefcritter

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DCUO is the most consistently played mmorpg out there. It has maintained thousands of people and has tons and tons of content for you to dive it. I love how much ♥♥♥♥ you can do. However, for the most part, the content is storywise and doesn't add anything crazy to the game. You have to spend money to obtain cool powers or a cooler way to traverse terrain. It's not pay to win, it feels like it's pay to play.

DCUO: 6/10
Publicada em 15 de setembro de 2023.
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4.9 horas registradas (3.2 horas no momento da análise)
SWTOR is one of the best mmorpgs ever. If you like World of Warcraft, Rift, Guild Wars, this game is a classic representation of these styles of games. The gameplay is fun and exciting as you slash your way through the story. I love their take on class quests and they did a beautiful job with the rich environment. The servers however are decently empty so it can be tough doing group instances. Don't let that fool you, pvp is usually quiet present in the worlds and you normally get your ♥♥♥♥ rocked.

SWTOR: 10/10
Publicada em 15 de setembro de 2023.
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65.3 horas registradas
This game was it when I was a kid. It was so fun and it was cool to experience a game I've never seen anyone talk about. It has nostalgic tower defense game mechanics with action in it. It plays like a shooter but each level gets progressively harder. This turned out to be so much better than the second one

Dungeon Defenders 10/10
Publicada em 5 de agosto de 2023.
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12.0 horas registradas (7.8 horas no momento da análise)
This Means Warp is a fun co-op game for you to pick up with some friends when you are bored. You are tasked to essentially be in an FTL like ship and man guns, repair the hull, and maneuver obstacles. It is hard to say this game is bad.

This Means Warp: 8/10
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2023.
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27.2 horas registradas
WildStar had a lot of potential. I started to pick up this game towards the end and it was quite fun. I wish that I got to experience this game more for what it was worth but I sadly played until the very end.

WildStar: 7/10
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2023.
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124.5 horas registradas
Back 4 Blood is what L4D and L4D2 tried to be. This game has much more replay-ability compared to the previous games and adds a new card system that challenges the way you play the game. There is so much versatility in this game however that does breed to very big metas and some builds not feeling as impactful as others. This game has a really cool story and is actually really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard to beat. The visuals are good, each character has their own personality and strengths, and each mission feels different. That is something the previous games lacked on. A lot of people say this doesn't feel like a L4D game. However I think this modern sequel does an excellent job at continuing the story and immersing you in the universe.

Back 4 Blood: 9/10
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2023.
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35.4 horas registradas (35.3 horas no momento da análise)
The Ascent is an amazing game. I recommend picking this up whether you play solo or friends. This is Top-Down Shooters biggest quality is the visuals. It looks absolutely stunning and I found myself enjoying the background on each floor and in each area. They have some really cool ideas for guns and augments however I think it feels very unpolished. It's not the most satisfying as it feels like the game gears you to one specific style and if you change that it's hard to progress. This style of game isn't for everyone but if you were to ever go for this Cyberpunk Universe shooter game, this is it. The biggest flaw about this game is certainly the quests were quite challenging to understand and YouTube was often the go to for these solutions.
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2023.
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212.6 horas registradas (212.1 horas no momento da análise)
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Valheim is definitely a fun refreshing survival game. It has beautiful graphics and each biome has a unique look to it. The building is fun and it makes you want to create projects within your own little fort. The building mechanic is my favorite thing about this game. However where this game lacks is depth within each "biome". Defeating a boss unlocks the ability to use the resources in other biomes. What it lacks is there is quite shallow content within each one as it spreads out. I recommend using mods for Valheim, as it brings more flavor to the game and makes it more enjoyable. It can be tedious picking up crops one by one or not being able to transfer metal. One thing I will say is this game is not as enjoyable singleplayer, it thrives on co-op and I recommend playing with a group. Other than that, it has fun fighting mechanics, amazing building mechanics, cool boss fights, great graphics, and a refreshing take on survival games.

Valheim 8/10
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2023.
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197.4 horas registradas (164.8 horas no momento da análise)
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This is a very well developed game, but there was a time where you did have progression and levels actually meant something. Now it's just a cluster♥♥♥♥ of whoever pays-to-win and to have Anti-air is completely and utterly obnoxious. This creates a huge problem with most people without premium such as me that have to deal with barely being able to withstand missiles that lock on and that you can teleport and go invisible with a button. This whole game needs to be fixed but that doesn't mean it isn't still an outstanding game built out of your creativity and tactics.
Publicada em 20 de maio de 2017.
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