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Seneste anmeldelser af Blank

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59.2 timer registreret i alt (39.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
IM going to be honest here. I like the game, I really do, even with is issues. I can only play the game with a cap of 15 fps in mission and in town i cry. but as long as I dont play multiplayer i can deal with it. As for why I dont recomend this game at the moment is because it suffers TECMO-itis. its a terrible port. Keyboard support is there but you have to dig to find it out. Avoiding the Elephant in the room of FPS and that its a TECMO title, i will say this. It can be good. DONT BUY THIS GAME RIGHT NOW! Wait a while, see if any of the issues get fixed. if they dont TECMO is missing out on a large niche on PC. if they do then WHOO! but as it stands wait out the storm for either a Dark souls like fix from the community or for the company to get off their knickers. If that happens ill Gladly recomend this game to people.
Skrevet: 26. juni 2015.
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