Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
17 of 53 (32%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Wealthy Lord

Possess 200 or more gold.
Ontgrendeld op 3 sep 2018 om 13:38


Complete the first level of a play session, without taking any damage.
Ontgrendeld op 28 aug 2017 om 14:16

Very Lucky

Get 15 'Success' or 'Huge Success' chance cards in a single session.
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2018 om 8:51

Very Unlucky

Get 12 'Failure' or 'Huge Failure' chance cards in a single session.
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2018 om 7:10

Master Combatant

Complete 3 combats in a single run, without taking any damage.
Ontgrendeld op 28 aug 2017 om 14:35

Quick Reflexes

Reflect 100 projectiles over multiple play sessions.
Ontgrendeld op 29 aug 2017 om 10:53

Close Shave

Win a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
Ontgrendeld op 3 sep 2017 om 1:29

Very Brave or Very Stupid

Enter a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
Ontgrendeld op 7 feb 2020 om 13:22


Kill an enemy with their own reflected projectile.
Ontgrendeld op 21 jul 2018 om 23:47

Combat Ready

Have at least 1 of each type of equipment in your inventory.
Ontgrendeld op 3 sep 2018 om 10:26

Release the Mages!

Complete the Mages encounter.
Ontgrendeld op 9 sep 2017 om 6:23

Release the Lich!

Complete the Lich encounter.
Ontgrendeld op 4 sep 2018 om 13:09

Release the Minotaur!

Complete the Minotaur encounter.
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2018 om 8:48

Master of the Shadows

Complete all Shadow Agent encounters.
Ontgrendeld op 6 feb 2020 om 19:25

The Elder Lizard

Trade with the Elder Lizard.
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2018 om 0:44

Great Hunter

Defeat the White Minotaur.
Ontgrendeld op 3 sep 2018 om 10:25

Vault Raider

Complete the Goblin King's Halls IV encounter.
Ontgrendeld op 3 dec 2017 om 9:31


Possess 150 or more health.

Well Supplied

Possess 120 or more food.


Complete the first 3 levels of a play session, without taking any damage.


Land the killing blow on 10 enemies with a trap.


Perform 2 prone attacks in a row.

Master of Traps

Bash 5 enemies into traps in a single session.


Kill one of each monster type in a single session.

Well Equipped

Unlock every equipment card.

Well Travelled

Unlock every encounter card.

Dragon Slayer

Equip all the Dragon Relic items at once.

King of the Undead

Equip all the Skeleton King items at once.

Arch Mage

Equip all the Mage items at once.


Have 10 rings in your inventory at once.

Dungeon Master

Defeat the Dealer.

Release the Lava Golems!

Complete the Fire in the Deep encounter.


Complete all 6 Charity encounters.


Complete all 6 Demon Trader encounters.


Complete all 6 Blood Auction encounters.

Pure Enlightenment

Possess 10 Blessings at once.

Wretched Soul

Possess 10 Curses at once.

Dungeon Conqueror

Defeat the Dealer as the Warlord.


Complete all Apprentice encounters.

Lord of War

Complete all Warlord encounters.

The Lion Prince

Complete all Curse of the Lion Prince encounters.


Complete all Explorer's Gift encounters.

Never Enough

Complete all Hoarder's Desire encounters.

Hunger Satiated.

Complete all Iron Hunger encounters.

Merchant's Saviour

Complete all Merchant Guard encounters.

Holy Champion

Complete all Monk encounters.

The Wanderer

Complete all Nomad encounters.

Elite Training

Complete all Soldier's Training encounters.

Kraken Master

Defeat the Kraken.

One with the Kraken

Equip the Kraken Sword and Mask at once.

Metal Mogul

Possess 300 or more Ore.

Deep Delver

Reach level 30 in Endless Mode.

World Saviour

Turn back the invasion from the Underworld.